Minutes before six in the afternoon yesterday the sound of helicopter propellers announced the arrival of the Three Wise Men at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López stadium in the capital. A venue full of emotions, but not of people (despite the 18,000 tickets sold), which erupted in joy when the aircraft transporting Their Majesties from the East made its first flyover over the sports venue.
At that moment, the screams of excitement and the contained nerves of the little ones deafened the hitherto terrible sound of the children’s show that accompanied the Tenerife boys and girls for an hour, who were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Gaspar, Melchor and Baltasar. A welcome ceremony, titled Dulce Espera, which was staged by the company Komba Producciones and which, thanks to the popular Christmas carols sung by the public, managed to overcome the poor quality of the public address system.
With a cast made up of more than 700 dancers and extras that covered the entire stadium lawn, the audiovisual show composed of the choreographic groups Crew of Dreams, Loli Pérez, Latin Salsa, Tenerife Dance Proyect, ONYS, Ballet Dance, Funkiguachi, Crazy Dancer , Ibaute and Moana, accompanied the little ones between Christmas songs and the thanks of the character Sacarino who recreated the world of sweets. Brushstrokes of sweetness that were animated by the call in unison from the stands to their Majesties of the East.
The stands of the Heliodoro resounded with the shouts of “Melchor, Gaspar, Baltasar” and the shouting was so loud that the royal helicopter flew through the Santracrucero sky almost ten minutes before the scheduled time. A first flyover over the stadium that announced the proximity of His Majesties and made the venue vibrate with excitement.
After the second flight over a sky that threatened rain, the stadium lights began to flash and, then, the magic was done. The doors opened wide and through them appeared, aboard convertible cars, the Three Wise Men with their respective entourage of pages and ambassadors, for whom the mayor, José Manuel Bermúdez, and the councilor were already waiting in the center of the field. of Fiestas, Javier Caraballero, to give them the magic key that opens all the houses in the city.
After the official greetings, King Baltasar took over the microphone to thank the children for the welcome and affection received and there, once again, emotion took over both the boys and girls and their families.
Their Majesties stated that they were going to make an extra effort to reach all the houses to leave their gifts, because they had come to the Island to spread love and happiness among the little ones.
Next, the Kings, accompanied by their pages, went around the field to greet and collect the children’s letters with their last wishes. Small envelopes that touched the sky held by the exciting hands of their little fans.
After talking to them and reminding them to be good, Gaspar, Melchior and Baltasar left the Heliodoro to go in search of their camels. The Parade began.