The Plaza de San Luis, in Santa Úrsula, is the stage from which Spanish Radio Television (RTVE) in the Canary Islands will broadcast the end of the year chimes for the Archipelago, although they can be followed around the world through the International Channel. With the singer Nía Correia and Roberto Herrera as presenters, The program will begin at 10:30 p.m. and will last until dawn with performances, among others, by Fabrizzio Salgado, DJ Chris G, The Boys Machine and Pepe Benavente.
The mayor of Santa Úrsula, Juan Acosta, understands that the event will be a great promotion of the municipality and a boost for local economic development. He expects attendance to triple last year’s figures, “so it will be a great benefit for our people. It is a reward for all the damage suffered after the Tenerife forest firewhich still today maintains its consequences in our mountains and in the memory of the neighbors,” he says.
The singer Nía Correia and Roberto Herrera will be the presenters of this program
The regional director of RTVE, José María Mediano, wishes “that these chimes are an inspiration to work together for a new year of success, joy and opportunities” and the presenter, Roberto Herrera, aspires to set an audience record. The co-presenter and singer, Nía Correia, alludes to the unity and spirit of solidarity that the Canarian population demonstrated during the emergency caused by the Tenerife forest fire. The Councilor for Festivals, José Feliciano López, announces “many surprises.”
Marina Lorenzo, councilor for Employment and Local Development, highlights the impact that will have the television broadcast as an opportunity as a tourist promotion by projecting the potential of the municipality and because “it will boost the economic growth of Santa Úrsula.”