Arico Somos Todos will appear and make allegations to the Offshore Wind Farm on the coast of Arico, with a front that will mainly affect the towns of Tajao, Las Arenas, La Caleta and Las Maretas. This project is currently on public display through a publication of the Subdelegation of the Government of Spain, in which the request for prior administrative authorization and its evaluation infrastructure, as well as its Environmental Impact Study, are submitted to public information. .
“We believe that Arico is enormously affected by this type of facilities located in its territory, which makes it the municipality that brings together the majority of the entire Canary Islands, without receiving any compensation for supporting this situation,” says José Lus Hervelle.
“From Arico Somos Todos we will present allegations against this park, because we understand that its location conditions the development of a very important part of the Arico coast and seriously threatens the continuity of artisanal fishing in Tajao,” he indicates. “We do not understand how a natural environment can be disfigured to fill it with iron and underwater cables that will have to come out overland and connect to the network. It is a real attack. We can’t allow it. We will fight with all our strength,” says councilor Hervelle.
The negative repercussions of offshore wind farms on the environment where they are located are:
- Wildlife collision: Wind turbine blades can cause death or injury to birds, mammals, and sea turtles.
- Noise pollution: the noise generated by turbines and the assembly of structures can affect the communication, behavior and survival of marine animals, especially cetaceans.
- Chemical pollution: accidental spills of fuels, oils, heavy metals from boats, machinery or wind turbines themselves can contaminate waters and sediments, and harm marine flora and fauna.
- Alteration of the seabed: the installation of platforms, anchors and cables can destroy or modify habitats.
- Seabed biodiversity and electromagnetic interference: electromagnetic fields generated by power lines can affect marine fauna species that orient themselves by the Earth’s magnetic field, such as sharks or rays, and also boat navigation systems .