Andrés is stable, obedient, mature for his three years of age, sociable, playful and at the same time. Bimba arrived with severe malnutrition, but her happy face reflects the fact that she is a teenager who is happy for the first time and is working so that she has the future that she deserves.
The name Pelleja responds to the state in which it was found, a bundle of skin and bones. This hunting dog is shy and, at the same time, a bag of love when she is shown that she can trust people.
The three have in common that they were found in August after the forest fire that devastates the Island and that has not been able to be extinguished. None had a chip and have not been claimed by an owner.. They are the forgotten dogs of the fire and welcomed by the Forest Fire Care Network (RCI).
This network has its seeds in the COVID-19 pandemic when several people came together to help those who were having the worst time in the context of a crisis that left enormous consequences on the population.
Three years later, it has been reactivated again as a result of the fire, aware that they could not look the other way. Its members are organized through WhatsApp and are divided into five different groups according to needs: transportation, material, communication, reception of people and animals.
The latter has three coordinators who went to the pavilions where animals were housed, especially in Quiquirá, in La Orotava, to see how they could help. When the temporary shelter that had been organized at the site was closed, there were six dogs left without a chip and for whom no one had claimed, so they decided to take care of them. Some don’t even know how they got there, Rescue officials took themafter find them on a road escaping the flames.
They refused to refer them to a shelter and asked municipal officials for a deadline to find them a host family. Through social networks they began to publish photos, the characteristics of each of them and the needs they had to give them good visibility. As a result of that work, they managed to get three of them adopted, but Bimba, Andrés and Pelleja have not had the same luck.
For now, All three are in foster homes, but temporarily and through the network they help finance their food and veterinary expenses, but these families, due to different situations, cannot take care of it and that is why they continue working to find them a responsible adoption and a better ending than what awaited them in a shelter.
Those who want to collaborate, either with the adoption of one of the animals or with contributions, can do so through the bizum number 620 530 228.