We can Adeje has requested this Thursday that he leave Rosendo Lopez of the municipal environmental body, which he presides, for a possible conflict of interestssince he has advised the promoter of Cradle of the Soul.
Furthermore, his consulting firm could have initiated “at least three urban planning files at the request of different developers” in Adeje that are currently on public display and to which Podemos, as reported in a statement, will present allegations upon appreciating “alleged irregularities.”
Podemos emphasizes that these events, “at the very least, constitute a great lack of ethics”, since the president of the body in charge of ensuring Adeje’s environment “is simultaneously collecting money from those who seek to destroy it.”
He emphasizes that his consulting firm has been in charge of carrying out favorable evaluations of various projects “generating great citizen rejection” and “plagued by technical deficiencies”, such as the Port of Fonsalía, in Guía de Isora, or the ‘Dreamland’ film studios together to the Dunes of Corralejo.
“We are talking about a company that functions in practice as the technical arm of those who seek to destroy our land,” Podemos insists.
The mayor of the purple formation Gabriel González emphasizes that it is the mayor, the socialist José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, who has the powers to remove López from his current responsibilities as president of the municipality’s environmental body.
González recalls that the environmental body’s own operating regulations require its members to respond to criteria of professionalism, independence, impartiality and objectivity.
“It is evident that anyone who has private interests deposited in the field of environmental evaluation does not meet these criteria,” he asserts.
Podemos indicates that this “would not be the first incompatibility” that was verified in the municipal environmental body, since previously an urban planning file “was knocked down” when it assumed a reclassification from developable land to urban and therefore the evaluation body had to be autonomous. .
The consulting firm that drafted the project belongs to Jorge Coderch, also a member of the municipal environmental body.