The Institute for Social and Socio-Health Care (IASS) allocates 80,000 euros to emergency aid to meet the needs of users of the Childhood and Family Unit. The acting counselor of the Social Action area, Marián Franquet, explains that this line of aid, whose regulatory bases were published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP), is to “favor the social integration of young people released from guardianship after reaching the age of majority, avoiding situations of need or social emergency, in addition to facilitating the family reintegration of children and adolescents who have abandoned the foster care regime.
The third vice president of the Island Corporation also states that “it is a way to help promote the independence of people over 18 who must leave the shelter resource.” At the same time, with this line of support we want to “serve them as support to achieve their aspirations and integrate satisfactorily into society.”
Marián Franquet maintains that in the case of users who are still minors and who are in a situation of helplessness or residential care, this aid will go to those relatives or close people, who will be responsible for taking care of their guardianship.
The use of help
Among the eligible expenses with these emergency aids that the Cabildo enables to meet the needs of the users of the Childhood and Family Unit there are all those related to attending and covering basic needs, such as hygiene, clothing, water, electricity and gas, among others. At the same time, accommodation (rental), transportation and travel (both in the national territory and abroad), socio-sanitary needs, needs derived from schooling (nursery, school supplies, dining room, etc.) and training studies for employmentas well as those generated by the Family Intervention Plan or of an extraordinary nature.
The application model as well as the bases that govern this call will be available to interested persons in the General Registry of the Institute of Social and Socio-Health Care (IASS), as well as on the website of said body dependent on the Island Corporation. ( or at the Citizen Services Center of the Cabildo de Tenerifeaccording to the acting island government.