The Plenary of the Cabildo de Tenerife has approved this Thursday a motion of Yes We Can, with the support of the Canary Islands Coalition (CC), the non-attached councilor María José Belda and the socialist councilor Nauzet Guggliotta and the abstentions of PSOE, PP and CS, start the file to award the island’s Gold Medal to the activist Carla Antonelli.
The spokesman for Sí Podemos, David Carballo, has reported that Antonelli has been a “crucial figure” in the fight for freedoms and equal rights after suffering “repression” in his own flesh, while he has lamented the lack of consensus and that the motion had to be delayed until the end of the mandate.
Belda has asked to “leave behind” the possible “political conditioning” around the figure of Antonelli and has said that his personal career in defense of LGTBI rights is “undeniable”. “You cannot deny him recognition,” she has indicated.
The spokesman for Ciudadanos (CS), Enrique Arriaga, has indicated that “nobody disputes” the career of the Tenerife deputy but has been against giving a distinction to an active politician and even less “at this time”, to the doors of a General Election.
Javier Rodríguez, spokesman for the Socialist Group, has valued Antonelli’s career as someone who “has broken glass ceilings” with a job that many do beyond their relationship with the LGTBI community, but like CS, he believes that the moment is not It is appropriate because there is “background noise” linked to the elections and the Government of the Cabildo is in office.
Nauzet Gugliotta (PSOE), who has defended her vote in favor individually, has criticized the “very poor defense” that Carballo has made when she is a woman who was “expelled” from her hometown (Güímar) and had to live in Madrid “how could” and going “hunger and cold”.
He has said that the motion is a “shame” and pure “political opportunism” but he has justified his vote in favor by knowing his career in defense of people’s rights.
Gugliotta has criticized Sí Podemos that “Carla Antonelli cannot be used in this way” and that they have done “an ugly last service” before leaving the representation in the Cabildo since they have not obtained minutes of councilors for the new mandate.
Efraín Medina, from the Nationalist Group, has indicated that he was “sorry and sad” that the motion had not been institutional and even expanded it to other ‘trans’ women on the island, censuring that “they are not ways” to bring a proposal to plenary because “dialogue” has been lacking. “We love you unconditionally”, he has finished off as a message to Antonelli herself.
Águeda Fumero, from the Popular Group, has recognized Antonelli’s values and social trajectory but maintains that it is not the most appropriate time to debate the proposal, with an upcoming election, which is why she has requested that he withdraw to be studied ” in a calmer moment.”
In the same plenary session, it was agreed to grant honorary distinctions to a total of 29 people, as well as to the Official College of Physicians of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, for their contribution to the cultural, social, political and economic development of the island.
Specifically, it has been agreed to grant the title of Adoptive Daughter to Teresa Giraldez Fernández and María Luisa Tejedor Salguero, a distinction with which, posthumously, Vicki Penfold, Nivaria Tejera Montejo, Madeleine Bonneaud, Eve- María Zimmermann, José Luis Porcuna Coto, María Mérida Pérez, Edith Maillard Blanchard and Isabel Hernández Marichal.
Likewise, it has been approved to grant recognition of Favorite Daughter or Son to Carolina Martínez Pulido, Carmen Pitti García, Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres Rodríguez and Alonso Fernández del Castillo y Machado. Posthumously, these distinctions have been extended to the figures of Pilar Lojendio Crosa, Mercedes Machado Machado, Clemencia Hardisson Wouters and María Joaquina Viera y Clavijo.
The Plenary also supported the proposal to award 12 Gold Medals to Juan de la Cruz Rodríguez, Nelson Díaz Frías, Sebastián Nicolás Delgado Díaz, Soraya González del Rosario, Raquel Lojendio, María Isabel Nazco Hernández, Mario Pestano García, Elena Lecuona Monteverde , Lola del Castillo and the Official College of Physicians of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
The trajectory of Blas Cabrera y Felipe and Juan Ruano Rojas, now deceased, was also recognized with this distinction.