United You Can bet on a “more sustainable” Aguere and with “better public services” that will incorporate the figure of the neighborhood defender. The progressive formation held a session of its citizen assembly in which members of the candidacy, registered and citizens prepared proposals for expansion, balance and improvement of the electoral program with which they will attend the municipal elections on May 28.
One of the proposals approved in the session is to promote the figure of the neighborhood ombudsman, which, as has been done with the disability ombudsman, would be a person who plays the role of collaborator in the resolution of neighborhood conflicts, as well as between the administration and citizens. According to the formation’s candidate for mayor of La Laguna, Rubens Ascanio, “it seems to us a proposal that can help provide answers to a society where there are more and more needs for listening and attention, as well as conflict resolution.”
The original program, which exceeds 75 pages, has been increased with other contributions developed through a process of work dynamics in five blocks: dignified living conditions, sustainable economic development, construction of good living, a corporation that listens and commitment to our towns and neighborhoods. After this day, a whole series of sectoral meetings will be held where proposals from specific groups in our society will be incorporated, as well as those coming from the different districts.
Rubens Ascanio highlights that “once again we built a document with the active participation of women and men who come from the entire municipality, with experience in social, neighborhood, union, cultural or activism entities, to provide improvements that we want to continue implementing in City Hall”. From the analysis of the program with which they attended in 2019, it stands out that “although it was a document prepared from the lack of practical knowledge of the internal functioning of the City Council, it has been shown to be a realistic document, of which we have been able to comply with about 70% of the ideas and proposals put forward, which would have been more without the context of the health crisis,” according to the candidate.
With respect to the ideas raised in this first session, Ascanio highlights the “resolute commitment to continue expanding the number of remunicipalized public services, that are a guarantee of quality and improvement of the attention that citizens receive, giving as an example what happened with municipal nursery schools or services such as Mujeres a la playa”.
Another of the lines of proposals are those that correspond to the improvement of transparency. In this sense, the participants opted to establish services and systems that allow greater citizen control over “how public resources are used, their incidence in the improvement of towns and neighborhoods, in addition to taking steps that have not been been able to exercise in this mandate to finally have participatory budgets that facilitate a participatory management of citizens in the improvements of their environments ». In this regard, the candidate of United You Can highlights that his group “has innovated in this mandate by bringing the municipal budget closer to the municipal councils and making information more accessible in areas where we have greater capacity for intervention.”