The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing of the Government of the Canary Islands has published today in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC) the first resolution granting and paying subsidies to families affected by the total destruction of their habitual residence caused by the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma.
As reported by the regional Department in a note, with this line of additional aid the Canary Islands Housing Institute (ICAVI) will reinforce with up to 30,000 euros those already granted by the Government of Spain as compensation to approximately half a thousand families who lost his living place.
With today’s publication, additional aid from the Canary Islands government is launched, which President Ángel Víctor Torres promised to grant to those affected by the volcano who lost their homes. “The commitment is as firm as the day it was made,” President Torres said at the time, adding that this commitment “is closed and the revenue of these funds will be made by the Government of the Canary Islands.” This commitment is now materialized with the publication of the resolution with the first families that will receive the income from these complementary aids.
This measure promoted by the Ministry will serve as a complement to the aid granted by the State through Royal Decree-Law 20/2021 to repair the damage caused by the volcanic eruption, for which up to 60,480 euros were allocated to alleviate the damage to the homes to affected families who now, with this help from the Ministry of Housing, will be able to benefit from a supplement of up to 30,000 euros to reinforce this aid.
The ICAVI has allocated a budget item of one million euros to this first payment resolution, and the resolutions for another 200 families are already being finalized, while data continues to be crossed with the General State Administration to reach the half thousand families that already received state aid. The Ministry has 9 million euros more that will be used to pay these aids.
In this first resolution of concession and payment of direct subsidies, a total of 48 families have been beneficiaries, to whom aid will be distributed for a total value of 987,285 euros. The payment will be carried out directly in the current accounts of these families once the legal term of five days that is given to the beneficiaries after being published in the BOC has elapsed in case anyone wants to renounce the subsidy.
The subsidies are granted ex officio, and the consideration of applicant for the aid will be granted by fulfilling two requirements: registration in the Registry of people affected by volcanic eruptions on the island of La Palma, and having been a beneficiary of the subsidy. granted by the General State Administration for total destruction of homes, in accordance with Royal Decree-Law 20/2021, which adopts urgent support measures to repair the damage caused by volcanic eruptions and for economic reconstruction and social of the island of La Palma.
The objective of the Ministry with this new help line is to increase the amount of compensation for people affected by the eruption who already received a first payment from the State, so these families will not have to submit any application or provide documentation to qualify for this grant.
The ICAVI now only has to certify that these families are registered in the official registry of victims of the volcano, and assess whether the state compensation has covered all the losses suffered. Based on this percentage of compensation, the new aid from the Government of the Canary Islands will be granted, which will vary up to a maximum of 30,000 euros to cover the limit of the value of the damage produced.
After its publication in the BOC, the ICAVI will notify the beneficiaries by SMS, email and the various official publications of the Canary Islands Housing Institute. In addition, the following information telephone number 922 922 656 has been set up from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to attend to possible queries from those affected.
This new help line joins other initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing to assist those affected by the volcano in terms of housing, with the purchase and delivery of 300 properties and more than 500 rental aids to families who lost their homes, to which this supplement is now added to the compensation for the owners of houses that were destroyed as a result of the volcanic eruption.