The first vice-president of the Board of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, Esther González, affirmed today Tuesday that the reform of the Regulations of the Chamber, proposed by the governing body of the Legislature, will make all defecting deputies have the status of non-attached with the in order to “avoid comparative grievances and so that all parliamentarians have the same rights”.
Like every end of the legislature, Esther González wanted to remember that Parliament will address the reform of the Regulation. The processing will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, when the corresponding commission takes into consideration the proposal prepared by the Board. Subsequently, the period for the presentation of amendments by the groups will open. Next, they will be debated in a presentation, commission and final approval by the plenary.
The first vice president advanced that, on this occasion, the update will be “substantial and greater” than that addressed in the IX Legislature, which was intended to adapt to the 2018 Statute. One of the main novelties, in González’s opinion, is that Those who leave or are expelled from the political formation with which they participated in the elections will also be considered non-attached deputies.
Currently, those who leave the group to which they belonged or are expelled from it cannot go to the Mixed group. They have, as González explained, the consideration of non-members and can only exercise the individual rights that correspond to them.
With the update proposed by the Table of the X Legislature, defecting parliamentarians will be considered as non-attached. In this way, the first vice president explained that “a comparative grievance is eliminated and all parliamentarians now have the same rights.”
After the approval of the new Regulations, at the beginning of each legislature, the president will propose a candidate for the General Secretariat, chosen from the Body of Lawyers, who must be ratified or elected by the Board. The same will happen with parliamentary directors.
For each budget law and debate on nationality, the Board will prepare guidelines for the processing and development of the same. The objective, according to the first vice president, is to streamline procedures and provide these initiatives with greater guarantees.
On the other hand, a guide will be prepared to facilitate the groups in the elaboration of the bills. All the resolutions of the Table will be included, decided throughout the legislature in the event of an emergency, a singular moment or due to a gap, as has happened with the coronavirus pandemic that normalized telematic voting in plenary sessions. This latest novelty will also be extended to commissions.
The governing body understands that the reports of the Executive by mandate of a law, in addition to being presented and debated in commission, will entail the possibility of a motion. The fixing of a sanctioning regime, to be defined, for improper behavior will be evaluated and the figure of the associate deputy will be regulated, until now contemplated based on the basic legislation of the State and a quite outdated resolution of the Parliamentary Bureau.
Esther González explained that, at the beginning of a legislature, the parliamentary groups of the parties that participated in the elections are formed, as long as they are made up of three or more representatives. In the event that there are fewer seats, they are incorporated into the Mixed group. If a deputy accepts an invitation to be part of another group, he passes to it as an associate deputy, with the same individual rights as the rest of the parliamentarians.