The Department of Waters of the Tegueste Town Hall has installed a generator in the Pedro Álvarez neighborhood to solve the supply problems that occurred in the area when there were power cuts, according to the Teguestera City Council in a press release.
“The installation of this system, which has been in operation for about a month, has meant a change in the homes of the residents of the area,” says the local institution. According to the councilor responsible for Water, Manuel Martín, “Until now, when there were cuts in the electricity supply, the pumping in the upper areas of the neighborhood was affected, which also caused the water cut in those homes.” And he added: “Thanks to the start-up of the generator set, around 1,600 residents of Pedro Álvarez will have a guaranteed water supply whether or not there are power outages.”
The improvement is included in the framework of action of the City Council to implement the supply of the municipality, giving priority to areas that could be seen as more isolated, such as the upper part of Pedro Álvarez. The improvement has a global budget of 39,841 euros, subsidized by the Cabildo de Tenerife.