Goodview of the North has restricted the consumption of water from the public network to the entire population of the lower area of the municipality due to an increase in fluoride levels caused by a breakdown in a private seawater desalination plant. This mishap prevents mixing the water that comes from vergara’s gallery to lower your fluoride levels. The restriction, which is expected to last around 15 days, affects some 3,000 residents of the town. Mayor, Antonio Gonzalez Fortes (SSP), recalled this Wednesday, September 14, that this municipality of the Low Island has been waiting since 2013 to receive part of the desalinated water from the golf course and that, in 2015, they promoted a preliminary project for a seawater desalination plant that seven years later “is still pending approval from the Island Water Council of Tenerife (Ciatf)».
“We have applied this preventive restriction for all ages since Tuesday because, from experience, we know that fluoride levels are going to rise. A breakdown in the desalination plant the Irrigation Community of La Monja It has prevented us from providing enough water to lower fluoride through the necessary mixtures, ”explained the mayor.
The town of Buenavista del Norte expects to be supplied with water from the municipal golf course desalination plant since it requested it in March 2013. Despite the fact that in 2014 the Cabildo announced the works that would allow the water from this facility to be incorporated into the public network, and has already carried them out in To a great extent, the municipality still does not receive a liter of this desalinated water. The obstacle is, since 2017, the discrepancy in the sale price of desalinated water from this plant, which works at around 20% of its real capacity. In addition, it is still necessary to install a filtering system so that the desalinated water can be incorporated, for human consumption, into the La Cuesta II tank from the sports facility.
Anthony Gonzalez He explains that his government would have liked to take over part of the ownership of that Buenavista Golf desalination plant and insists on remembering that “the biggest investment has already been made.” The Buenavista Consistory does not renounce to benefit from this facility and continues in talks with Balten and Ciatf.
Furthermore, from the Municipality of Buenavista del Norte In 2015, a preliminary project for a sustainable desalination plant was promoted to benefit Buenavista and Los Silos. An initiative that they want Ciatf to recover, which would free up a lot of water from the Vergara gallery for the rest of the region. “At first they did not see it as feasible, but now it seems that there is another predisposition in the Insular Council of Waters of Tenerife and we hope that the project can be resumed.” The first large public desalination plant in the north of Tenerife could also be financed with Next Generation European funds, according to the mayor.
González regrets that the PSOE opposition has acted in the face of this new restriction “in an electoralist manner and without high-mindedness, even asking us to start distributing bottled water. Supply is guaranteed, with consumption restrictionsand we know that it is a situation that affects municipalities throughout the region on a regular basis.