The Forest fire which began last Thursday in Los Campeches, Los Realejos, is still active, but in a “stabilization phase”. However, although there is a “greater calm compared to the previous days”, today’s rise in temperatures fuels several unknowns in the extinction teams, which “will continue to work mainly on active surveillance” until Thursday, when some more benign conditions. In general terms, the fire has remained contained and has not managed to exceed the perimeter established by the extinguishing teams, for which reason its retreat is being “consolidated”. Only a small race on the southern flank, near La Fortaleza, at the foot of the Teide National Park, has produced a “small crack” that affected 100 or 150 hectares, for which the total is estimated at 2,800, and with a perimeter of 27 kilometers.
Therefore, on the flank of the fire facing the coast -the most populated areas- it has been several days without any movement and has not managed to overflow the perimeter on its western (Icod) and eastern (Tigaiga slope) flanks.
The Minister of Public Administrations, Justice and Security of the Canarian Government, Julius Perez, stressed that “it has been a positive day” and “this setback” of the fire is consolidating, an evolution that is expected to “continue in the coming days.” However, he acknowledged that today “is going to be a particularly difficult day, the weather is going to be worse. Tonight will be warm”, with temperatures higher than those recorded yesterday and in the area of the fire “we will have higher temperatures”. Therefore, as he pointed out, “we are going to make a greater effort” to get through the day and wait for tomorrow afternoon when “temperatures will drop and relative humidity will increase. We hope to have a less intense fire,” he said.
Yesterday, the “end of the evacuation of practically all the evicted neighbors” was decreed last Saturday from the nuclei closest to the Tigaiga hillside, as the fire had not progressed in the last hours and given the effectiveness of the control lines . An area of 30 homes around the Camino de El Madroño remains evicted, “occasional or second homes”, due to its proximity to Chanajiga, but “in the next few hours, and following the positive evolution, the restriction could be lifted”.