The director of the Canarian Institute for Equality (ICI), Kika Fumero, together with the writer and activist Magdalena Piñeyro, presented this Thursday the third ‘International Conference on Fat-phobia and Aesthetic Violence against Women’, organized by the ICI and which will take place from June 29 to July 1 in La Laguna, Tenerife.
In her speech, Kika Fumero stated that the diet is “the most powerful political sedative in the history of women”. “Today, body norms and aesthetic canons expel dissident bodies from physical activity and sports, especially fat bodies, which are designated as lazy and sedentary and condemned to stillness,” Fumero said.
The director of the ICI pointed out that these third conferences have as their main theme breaking the myth surrounding the fat body and questioning the vision of bodies, fatness and movement.
Fumero highlighted the importance of these conferences which, in its second edition, held last year, had more than 2,100 people registered and reached all the islands of the Archipelago, 25 countries worldwide and all the Spanish autonomous communities as well as Ceuta and melilla.
For her part, Magdalena Piñeyro indicated that the choice of the theme for this third edition arose from the responses of the people attending the second edition and announced the inclusion of two body movement workshops in the program.
The sessions will be inaugurated next Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. by the Secretary of State for Equality and against Gender Violence, Ángela Rodríguez; by the Minister of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth of the Government of the Canary Islands, Noemí Santana, and by the director of the ICI, Kika Fumero, to continue with a talk entitled ‘What are we talking about when we talk about fatphobia?’, by as a writer and researcher on the subject Magdalena Piñeyro.
The talks ‘Weight stigma and its impact on physical and metabolic health’, by Raquel Lobatón, and ‘Gordophobia and mental health’, by Mireia Hurtado, make up the program for this first day.
The conference on June 30 will address ‘Fatty and movement: the possibility of fat corporalities’, by Alejandra Oyosa, and the talk ‘Analyzing the hegemony of aesthetic violence from a wheelchair’, by Oyirum, to culminate with the experience table under the title ‘Being a woman and being fat in the world of sports’, by Mónica González, Jessica Rosa and Ana Dolores Molina.
On the last day, July 1, the program includes the online broadcast talks ‘The fat body in art and the negation of movement’, by Yasmin Bouzaoui; ‘Body and public space’, by Paula Calavera; ‘Self-image’, by Melodie Pérez; the intervention ‘Accept and Fly’, by Mara Jiménez, and the workshops without online broadcasting ‘Fat body and trauma: body movement and reconnection workshop’, by Mónica González, and Introductory workshop to Canarian wrestling, by Ana Dolores Molina, to culminate with the musical performance of the feminist singer-songwriter Bea Almar and the closing of this third edition of the conference by Kika Fumero.
The conference will take place on June 29 and 30 and July 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at La Laguna Gran Hotel. More information on the web:, where attendance registration can be made.
The first days of Fatphobia and Aesthetic Violence against Women were held in 2020 with the aim of debating fatphobia (discrimination suffered by fat people for being fat) in conjunction with aesthetic violence crossed by gender and the second edition was held in 2021, having as its theme the culture of diets and the consequences on the bodies and health of adults and girls.