The Círculo de Amistad XII de Enero will host this Thursday the theatrical performance ‘La Elvira. Historia de un emigrant’, a work that is based on real events. The act will take place in the theater of the Recreo headquarters, on Ruiz de Padrón street in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, this May 19, starting at 8:30 p.m., with free admission. The performance, organized by Cesal ONG, is carried out by Zalatta Teatro, with the collaboration of the aforementioned Círculo de Amistad.
The theater arrives at the Círculo de Amistad XII in January with ‘Encounters in the garden’
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The story, set in 1949, begins in the south of the island of Fuerteventura, specifically on the Jandía peninsula, where 106 passengers decide to emigrate illegally aboard the schooner ‘Elvira’. The passage is made up of murderers, political prisoners, women and children, who enter a journey through the ocean that will last 36 tiring days until they reach the coast of Venezuela. It is based on testimonies of one of the passengers collected in letters.
The work has the direction and authorship of Miguel Ángel Galbán, as well as the production of Leticia Torres, being interpreted by Telesforo Rodríguez, Eva González and Inés Rodríguez.
‘The Elvira. Historia de un emigrant’ was released in Güímar at the beginning of this month of May and in a few days it will travel to the island of El Hierro.
The ship ‘La Elvira’ was a sailboat where more than 100 people traveled and arrived in Puerto Garupano in May 1949. Newspaper reports of the time tell of the unfortunate health conditions in which the passengers arrived on the Venezuelan coast.
‘La Elvira’ was one more chapter in the clandestine emigration of Canarians to Venezuela after the Civil War, when Spain was going through a harsh period of hunger and hardship, which forced many to leave everything to seek new horizons, risking their lives on trips uncertain ending.