The Governing Council authorized today, Thursday, the expenditure by the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports to finance the call for university scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year, amounting to 10.5 million euros.
By annuities, 3 million will correspond to the budgets of 2022 and the remaining 7.5, to that of 2023. This is a process prior to the approval of these aids by the Government of the Canary Islands, with the intention that they be available as soon as possible. possible before the advance of those of the State for this year.
University students residing in the Canary Islands enrolled in official bachelor’s or master’s degree courses, in Canary Islands public universities, in the National University of Distance Education (UNED) or in public universities in the rest of the Spanish territory, can benefit from this study support. provided that the studies cannot be completed in the Archipelago.
The purpose of the scholarships is to defray the expenses derived from the payment of university fees, transportation and residence for those who do not meet the requirements to be beneficiaries of all or some of the scholarship modalities convened by the Ministry of Education and Training. Professional and are doing university studies.