Industrial estates require maintenance works, conditioning of roads and regulation of car parks
The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands highlights the great potential for industrial growth in Tenerife, with around 700 hectares of land still to be developed in this area.
This follows from the Master Plan for Actions in the Scope of the Industrial Areas of the Canary Islands (PDAIC) on the Island that was presented by the General Director of Industry, Yolanda Luaces, to the Island Director of Socioeconomic Development, Ermitas Moreira, this Monday in the Council of Tenerife.
With this award ceremony, in which other representatives of the regional government, the insular corporation and Gestur were also present, the regional government area directed by Yaiza Castilla culminates the work entrusted to the latter to provide all the islands with a master plan in which the needs of the industrial areas are determined and investment proposals are made in order to improve these areas and promote greater development of this sector in the Canary Islands.
Yolanda Luaces highlighted that, after carrying out the study, it has been possible to determine “the powerful growth that Tenerife can have if its development is organized and the conditions that allow the creation of a functional and competitive industry are fostered”.
In addition, it highlighted the importance of having a document of these characteristics, which shows the deficiencies and needs of the polygons on which it is necessary to intervene to improve their conservation and facilities and, with this, achieve economic development that benefits the whole of the island.
For its part, Ermitas Moreira valued the work carried out by the Industry area of the Government of the Canary Islands, through Gestur, since it allows for a more up-to-date X-ray of industrial estates and provides new data to advance in a more sustainable and innovative in these areas.
Specifically, the work carried out in Tenerife is developed around 12 industrial areas (Güímar, Granadilla, La Campana, Los Majuelos, El Mayorazgo, Costa Sur-Buenos Aires, Las Torres de Taco, La Yegua, Llano del Camello, Las Chafiras , Las Andoriñas and San Jerónimo).
Of these, the area of La Yegua, in La Guancha, is currently pending urbanization.
Likewise, it is worth noting the level of industrial land planned in Granadilla and Güímar, with 4,367,794 and 922,452 square meters respectively.
The report also reveals that all the active industrial areas of Tenerife have a large proportion of surface area devoted to commercial activity, both wholesale and retail, in some cases reaching 40% of the total available surface area, although the average is around 20%.
For the most part, it deals with trade in products related to industrial activity (hardware stores, hydraulic companies or the timber sector), although in some areas companies from other sectors (textiles or technology) have settled.
Specifically, by type, companies related to manufacturing occupy an average of 9% of industrial land, distribution companies account for 34%, the same figure for those dedicated to the provision of services, while occupation by retail trade is 24%.
The general director recalled that for the realization of the master plan, a series of values are taken into account, such as the territorial link, the occupation of the polygon or the activity carried out by the installed companies.
Based on these criteria, it is the Güímar industrial estate that has the best rating, due to three fundamental aspects: it is an industrial zone close to the capital, as well as to its port and with competitive distances to the two airports; It has a great capacity for potential development in the short or medium term, with a large supply of land available for growth, and the proportion of land devoted to manufacturing activities is the highest of all those analysed.
Güímar is followed in order of priority for the development of the necessary actions by the polygons of Granadilla, La Campana, Los Majuelos and El Mayorazgo.
This study has considered the state of the infrastructure and equipment, as well as interior and exterior roads of the Tenerife industrial estates, and proposes investment strategies with the aim of improving the functionality of the industrial sector on the island.
Among the needs found in the industrial estates of Tenerife are the deficiency of the road condition, the poor maintenance or state of abandonment of the facilities that have ceased to provide the activity, the necessary regulation of parking areas and improvement of accessibility as well as a deficit in the landscape integration of industrial areas with their immediate environment, among other issues.
For all these reasons, it is necessary to implement renovation and urbanization measures to improve the image and safety of these spaces and to promote sustainable development of the industrial sector.
Taking these needs into account, it is estimated that the total investment required in the industrial areas of Tenerife should amount to 268,909,727 euros.