The City Council of Arico presented a Sponsored links against the decree by which the Government of the Canary Islands legitimizes the La Morra wind farm, already built in the Salto del Roque area, in the vicinity of the Jardín del Atlántico urbanization and close to the town of Las Listadas. That is, from the Autopista del Sur towards the sea. This location is one of the causes of the opposition of the Consistory ariquero, whose Plenary unanimously agreedon July 13, 2013, “maintain the opposition to the installation of any type of wind or photovoltaic infrastructure in the territorial area of the coast, between the highway, the sea and the ravines of Las Eras and El Río”.
The BOC of last February 3 included a decree of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands that “legitimizes the execution of the modified project of the La Morra wind farm” while, for this, orders to alter the Insular Planning Plan of Tenerife (PIOT) and the Subsidiary Regulations of Planning of Arico to make possible the installation of this park, already built. This last aspect is another of the reasons for the appeal before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC). In the opinion of the local government, “the decree violates municipal autonomy.”
The Executive gave the green light to a wind farm with a nominal power of 7.05 MW (megawatts), three wind turbines of 2,350 kW (kilowatts) of unit power, 78.3 meters high and a diameter of 92 meters. It also authorized the request to modify the layout of the evacuation line in 20 KV (kilovolts) from the control center of the La Morra wind farm to the Tagoro substation, of 66 KV, by executing it under the South highway at the height of the kilometer 43.5, passing through Abades.
It so happens that on October 10, 2018, the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC) issued a final judgment retrospecting the file to build this complex at the time the regional Executive authorized it ( August 1, 2016), without having completed the process of consulting the Arico City Council.
The mayor, Sebastián Martín, says that this situation is reached due to the lack of dialogue incurred by the regional Executive
The mayor, Sebastián Martín, considers that the need to “defend the interests of the municipality” in court “shows, in this case, the lack of dialogue and understanding between the Canary Islands government and Arico.” He recalls that this municipality “stores the largest concentration of wind and photovoltaic parks on the Island, many of them by imposition”. He demands from the Executive “coherence” and to establish channels of dialogue, cooperation and collaboration, “non-existent with the Ministry of Ecological Transition, which governs behind the back of a municipality of enormous solidarity with the Island.” All this, aggravated by “the lack of planning by the Canarian Government and the Cabildo, which generates insecurity.”
Andrés Martínez, Councilor for Urban Planning and the Environment, announces that “we are going to go all the way”, taking into account that the situation in this matter does not change or improve, “because we continue to find out about authorizations to install photovoltaic parks through the bulletin official and the press. The lack of interest in reaching consensus is clear.