Emilio Navarro, mayor of Santiago del Teide, expresses his discomfort and criticizes the insular government for not complying with the continuation of the improvement and conditioning works of Calle Flor de Pascua and Poblado Marinero. “Despite the fact that for the Cabildo itself they are works of general interest, that is to say, of great importance, for the municipality, the tourism sector and the business fabric, it does not consign any amount in this exercise to finish the work and is covered by the covid to justify himself.”
The Insular Directorate of Tourism justifies the decision in the effects of the application of the suspension of the work of phase 1 of this project when the pandemic occurs. Now, the government of the Cabildo considers it necessary to “update the technical and economic content before starting any action aimed at executing the remaining phases 2 and 3,” according to the report of this department of the Government Area of the insular President.
It is the answer to the claim against the approval of the Cabildo budget for 2022 presented by the mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro. The councilor explains that “there are still two phases of this work to be carried out, Phase 2, for an amount of 838,151 euros, as well as Phase 3, with an investment of 206,573 euros; without prejudice to the necessary updating of prices, since we are talking about the amounts contained in the project drawn up in 2017.
Navarro Castanedo shows his astonishment because, in his opinion, “it is not understood that with a project drawn up years ago and once the first phase has been completed, the appropriate and sufficient budget item is not allocated to finance the total execution of the project ». The mayor of Santiago affects this public complaint, assuring that “the Cabildo has unexecuted projects in the drawer, with the consequent damage that this entails both for the island’s tourism sector and for the municipality.”
Another aspect highlighted by the councilor is that with the decision adopted, “the Council of Tenerife It goes against the principle of efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources contained in article 7 of Organic Law 2/2012, of April 27, on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability». It explicitly establishes, in its point 2, that “the management of public resources will be guided by effectiveness, efficiency, economy and quality, for which purpose policies will be applied to rationalize spending and improve public sector management.
More than a million
The communication of the insular Government contrary to the claim of the mayor of Santiago del Teide of modify the annuity for this year corresponding to the MEDI-Fdcan program, so that the General Budget of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife for 2022 includes the global amount of the two phases that remain to materialize of the project (1,044,725 euros), arrives after the celebration of the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (Fitur).
“There we heard talk of sustainability, efficiency and digitization, precisely about issues that are linked to this project,” Emilio Navarro draws attention. “Not only is there the adequacy of the platform, but it also includes pipes for sanitation, rainwater, supply and lighting to reduce pollution.” To this, add the fact that “our claim also takes into account that the Cabildo has executed only 66.07% of the budget.” The amount of the total execution of the project to improve this street amounts to 1,732,386 euros.