The XV Regional Congress of the Popular Party of the Canary Islands, held this Sunday under the slogan ‘Canaries, ready for change’, has proclaimed Manuel Domínguez as the new president of the PP in the Islands after obtaining 97% of the votes.
The XV Regional Congress, which was held electronically, in response to current health restrictions, was attended by 590 delegates, of which 472 are elected and 118 born.
During this congressional meeting, in which the president of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, and the general secretary, Teodoro García Egea, also took part, the presentation ‘Treatment for a dying economy’, by Gustavo González de Vera and Carlos Ester, was approved .
In his speech, Manuel Domínguez assured that he will work like a “wild boar” so that the Popular Party will govern the Canary Islands again and leaving “his skin” to achieve “a better Canary Islands.”
To all those who were once in the PP, he wanted to make it clear that the party has learned from its mistakes and has corrected them. For this reason, he extended his hand “so that they join our project and row together towards the best future for the Canary Islands”.
He also pointed out that municipalism will be the center of his project. Therefore, he announced that new candidates and committees with few resources will have a team dedicated exclusively to help and guide them.
Manuel Domínguez said that the president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, has shown his “inability” to make autonomous decisions and his “servility” to Pedro Sánchez has been “embarrassing” and “harmful” for the Canary Islands.
For this reason, he promised that if the Popular Party manages to govern the Islands after the next elections, “never again” will it support an initiative of the central government that goes against the interests of the Archipelago.