The Cabildo de Tenerife, through the ‘Neighborhoods for Employment: Together for Tenerife’ program that manages the insular area of Employment and Socioeconomic Development, has facilitated the labor insertion of 1,178 unemployed people during 2021, which means 352 more compared to the 826 people who got a job in 2020 through this initiative.
This is one of the data from the annual balance that the area counselor, Carmen Luz Baso, advanced this Friday after visiting the Añaza, Ofra and La Laguna nodes, managed by Cáritas and in which she held a work meeting, at which was also attended by the director of the NGO, Juan Rognoni.
Carmen Luz Baso highlights in a note that this year the program has registered about half a thousand more participants than last year thanks, to a large extent, to the reinforcement of the resources allocated by the Cabildo.
In this sense, he recalled that the budget for ‘Neighborhoods for Employment: Stronger Together’ increased this year by more than one million euros, to add 3.9 million, with which it has been possible to reach a greater number of people who were in a difficult economic and social situation derived, in many cases, from the pandemic.
In addition, this year the Insular Society for the Promotion of People with Disabilities, an entity dependent on the Social Action area, has joined the Sinpromi program to attend to the cases of people with severe disabilities who require a very specific specialization.
A few days after the end of the year, the project has attended and provided personalized guidance and support to 4,474 people to access the labor market, compared to 4,006 last year.
“More than half of these participants, some 2,581 people, have received specific training and about 209 have carried out non-work practices in companies, which makes it easier for them to later get a job,” said the counselor.
‘Neighborhoods for Employment: Stronger Together’ is coordinated by the Insular Foundation for Training, Employment and Business Development (FIFEDE), which is part of the Strategic Framework for Insular Development (Medi) and is co-financed by the Fund of Development of the Canary Islands (Fdcan).
Along with Cáritas and Simpromi, three other social entities participate in the program that have extensive experience in labor insertion, such as the Spanish Red Cross, the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna and the Don Bosco Salesianos Social Foundation, and which are in charge of to attend to the participants in the open service points distributed on the island.