The actions were presented in the morning at a press conference by the mayor, Luis Yeray Gutierrez, and his fellow socialist Alejandro Marrero, the councilor for Finance and Economic Affairs. Its approval took place in a plenary session that took place at 1:30 p.m. The agreement on the two rates to be suspended was unanimous, while the reduction in garbage was abstained by the Canary Coalition (CC). The spokesman for Ciudadanos (Cs), Juan Antonio Molina, saw in the proposal a desire to help companies, and considered the decision to be taken as positive. Not in vain, he congratulated Marrero and the government group.
In similar terms, the leader of the Popular Party (PP), Manuel Gómez, said he defended “everything that is to promote trade.” However, Candelaria Díaz, from CC and ex-minister of the Treasury, indicated that the nationalists would abstain, but not because they did not support the initiative, “but because the situation has not improved and will not improve in a short period of time ». In Díaz’s opinion, the measures could be expanded and benefit companies that will be left out. “This government group, contrary to what happened in previous terms, has made far-reaching decisions,” said councilman Alejandro Marrero, who criticized the tax increase in previous stages.
Economic reactivation
The objective is the economic reactivation in the lagoon municipality given the negative impact caused by the covid-19 health crisis. The mayor, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, announced that some 5,000 SMEs and freelancers will benefit from these measures, which will translate into savings of around one million euros for the entire business fabric. The idea, said Marrero during the press conference, is to compensate the loss of income of the Consistory with the contributions of other supra-municipal institutions.
They are not promises. They are measures that have real and immediate effects. In this way, the mayor announced the entry into force of these tax advantages as of January 1, 2022, which “respond to the clear objective of this government group of alleviating the tax burden of our self-employed and the business fabric of the municipality”. Luis Yeray Gutiérrez indicated that, since the beginning of this mandate, “we have been governed by the principle of putting all the tools at our disposal to boost the economy, generating employment and business opportunities.” This commitment «has been redoubled on the occasion of the covid-19 and it is maintained today, so that the business sector of La Laguna can face the way out of this crisis derived from the pandemic with greater optimism and greater possibilities for growth.