This approval comes two days after the Councilor for Sustainable Development of the Cabildo, Javier Rodríguez Medina, accused the government group of trying to block said license. Criticism that Andrés Martínez, councilor for Urbanism, defines as “a true gaffe”, since “while he was reproducing those unfounded assertions, the license was being finalized by this council to take the file to the Governing Board, as has happened today (yesterday) ». Martínez Morales expressed his satisfaction for reaching a definitive and positive resolution for the project for the plastic film recycling plant, “complying with the deadlines agreed with the Island Council for Sustainable Development and the Fight against Climate Change.”
This license takes center stage in the exchange of criticism as a result of the warning from the mayor of Arico, Sebastián Martín, that he will close the landfill if the island government desists from renewing the agreement by which the municipality receives compensation for giving two million square meters for the Environmental Complex.Andrés Martínez reproaches Javier Rodríguez for “never giving us an official reply to our repeated inquiries about compensation, until we found out that he had dismissed them due to a response he gave before the Plenary to a question asked by the Popular Party ».
At the same time, the mayor, Sebastián Martín, urges the island government “to act as soon as possible and promote the renewal of the PIRS diseconomies agreement”, once the construction license for the plastic film recycling plant has been approved. Remember that “it was put as an excuse by the island councilor for not negotiating the compensation we are claiming.” The Ariquero alderman highlights “the loyal behavior of the City Council, despite the bad manners shown by the island councilor.” Martín Pérez clarified that in the municipal government he presides over “we want to know what the government of the Cabildo has to say now, if it is going to work to renew the agreement or new excuses will appear.”
Coalición Canaria de Arico accuses the president of the Cabildo and the PSOE on the island of “being untrue when he says that Arico asks for a second compensation for the landfill.” It was in August 2001 when the island and municipal corporations formalized the agreement. Arico received compensation in infrastructure investments until 2018, but “the negotiation has been delayed and the ariqueros are being ignored.”
Rodent pests, flies, insects, dust, seagulls, leachates, gases and plastics. «All this is what we who live here endure. The landfill seriously injures the municipal economy, proof of this is the land that surrounds it, the coast of La Cisnera and El Río, where 80% of the land cannot be sold “, denounces CC. «And Pedro Martín allows himself to say that we intend to obtain a second compensation. This is, to say the least, outrageous.