The Fourth Criminal Court of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has imposed a sentence of 21 months and seven days in prison on a lecturer from the University of La Laguna (ULL) for the offences of sexual abuse involving seven students. These illicit acts occurred between March 2014 and December 2017.
The verdict, announced this Wednesday, reveals that the defendant, an adult with no prior criminal record, committed these sexual abuses within the framework of the academic relationships he had with these students, aiming to fulfil his carnal desires “without consent”.
According to the testimonies received, these unlawful actions transpired in the lecturer’s office, where he “touched the hands and thighs” of one of his students, as well as in various locations around the University, including corridors, the café, and the classroom, where he even “grabbed the arm and caressed the back of the neck” of another student.
Moreover, the accused also made advances towards some of these students, stating, “imagine we are two lovers waking up together with the sun’s rays,” and directed derogatory remarks, as exemplified when one student was bandaged, and he began to touch her back, almost reaching her backside, while saying “he did it in bed because she was wild in bed.”
As a result of the actions carried out, the defendant has been sentenced to 21 months and seven days of imprisonment, along with special disqualification from the right to passive suffrage during the sentence’s duration, a five-year supervised release, a ban on practising his teaching profession outside the academic sphere, and mandated attendance at a sexual education training course.
Nevertheless, the convicted individual will not serve time in prison, contingent upon not committing any offences during a three-year period from the date of the ruling and complying with the imposed obligations and prohibitions.
In addition, regarding civil liability, the defendant has been ordered to compensate each of the seven victims with 3,500 euros, a payment that the accused has made prior to the oral proceedings.