The mayor of Arona, Fátima Lemes (PP), made the decision to dismiss on the 15th of this month the four councillors from Más por Arona with whom she shared governance. These individuals were responsible for critical sectors such as Urban Planning, Tourism, Economic Promotion, Primary Sector, Employment, Equality, Public Works, and Housing. The rationale behind this action was a professed lack of trust and inadequate coordination or teamwork. This political formation arose from the division of the absolute majority of PSOE in 2020, and its members deemed this dismissal unexpected and interpret it as a “grave mistake.” They believe it stems from the successful management of these departments and the positive reception from the community. The conservative leader did not provide a specific rationale nor did she clarify if any municipal issues prompted this distrust; however, specific dates connected to one of the long-standing urban controversies (regarding the Guaza industrial warehouse, now owned by Cicar car rental company) stand out and likely held significant influence in this decision.
There are numerous dates associated with this case, as it is subjected to legal proceedings and originated from previous administrations. A significant event occurred on September 13 and 16 of the previous year, when the Environmental Protection Agency, under the regional Government, opted to seal the construction works carried out, having deemed that they lacked the requisite permits in accordance with the complaints that had been lodged with this regional body by concerned citizens for several years. Notwithstanding this ruling and multiple requests from those complainants directed at Arona City Council, the Civil Guard, the Agency itself, and the municipal court number 4, work progressed with little concealment, as this publication has been reporting since. The situation undeniably deteriorated, prompting Cicar to request a meeting with the mayor, which was granted. This meeting took place on Friday, December 13 of last year. Under normal circumstances, especially in the context of such a controversy, following investments of millions of euros and extensive periods of waiting, this seems entirely customary. However, notably peculiar was that this discussion with Cicar’s director, Mamerto Cabrera, was held with Urban Planning technicians, yet the mayor of this vital department, Luis García, a significant figure in Más por Arona and involved in the rift with José Julián Mena of PSOE, was absent.
Councillor excluded who was required to testify in regard to this project
Sources from this group indicated that the exclusion of García from this matter, for which he has had to appear in court multiple times and which has drawn considerable criticism from complainants, not only caught the attention of Más por Arona members but also that of “the Urban Planning technicians themselves,” who have collaborated on the warehouse case with García throughout his two terms as head of this department (first with PSOE and subsequently as part of the new group following the 2023 elections).
Another pivotal date in recent history arose on January 8, when the council resolved to seal the construction (as indicated by the notices affixed to the warehouse doors). Más por Arona explained to Canarias Ahora that this sealing procedure had actually been in an advanced planning stage and was decided approximately six months previously by the councillor and the area’s technicians during their analysis of the project status. Furthermore, the alteration of the commercial usage of the land had also been established, and in fact, it was due to expire on January 8—one of the critical components of the entire complaint and judicial process, as Cicar henceforth could not utilise these premises for that purpose.
The sealing carries great significance in this instance because it provides partial rectification for the complainants and ensures compliance with the decisions taken by the Media Agency, which had, in turn, referred the case back to the city council, according to Más por Arona. Following this decree, the next consequential date materialised on Wednesday, January 15, involving the breakdown of the governing coalition, the dismissal of the four councillors from this group without prior notification to the third member of the ruling tripartite (CC), coupled with the ensuing uncertainty in the quest for stability—an outcome not assured even with the two councillors from Vox (should they join the government), since they would only bring the total to 13 unless they also included the councillor from NC, which this party has already expressed will not join the governing team.
For the time being, the conservative mayor has assumed control of all the sectors of Más por Arona, which means that, at least in the coming weeks, and pending a reorganisation of the entire team, she is the responsible individual for Urban Planning. It is not ruled out that she might continue overseeing this crucial domain in a municipality that has experienced significant controversy in this area for decades. Notably, former mayor Berto Reverón (CC) was found guilty in one of the cases known as the Arona case, linked to urban planning licences.
Sources from the Mayor’s Office informed this newspaper yesterday that Lemes convened that meeting “at the request of the company, as he does with any other citizen, group, or enterprise that requests it.” Moreover, Arona is cognisant that there may be various reasons behind his decision to dissolve the government, but he believes that this incident concerning the ship has been pivotal in his move to dismiss his four councillors. Furthermore, he asserts that the alleged connection and unwavering defence attributed to him by the complainants regarding the Cicar company has been debunked by that meeting to which he was not invited, as well as by the contract signed on January 8, which had been in consideration for some six months and halted the intervention of the Media Agency.
Significant businessman in the dissolution of the ruling PSOE in 2020
The Cicar car company purchased this warehouse from businessman Diego Cano, the very promoter of the El Camisón shopping centre that triggered a crisis, leading to the dissolution of the absolute majority government of the Aronero PSOE in 2020. This crisis initiated the rise of Más por Arona and the alternative governing coalition that emerged from councillors critical of former mayor José Julián Mena, alongside the PP and CC, although this agreement lasted barely two years and fell apart on Wednesday of last week without even the councillors from the Canary Coalition being informed.