The development of the Tenerife Motor Circuit is progressing. The political factions represented in the plenary meeting of the Council yesterday, during an extraordinary session, unanimously endorsed this initiative that began to take form 35 years ago. CC and PP, who govern collaboratively, alongside PSOE and Vox, agreed that the island Corporation should retain the budget of 13.3 million euros for 2025 designated for the initial phase of this sporting facility, which will be situated on land in Atogo, in Granadilla de Abona.
In one of the three objections to the 2025 island budget, the environmental group ATAN requested that the 13.3 million earmarked for the Motor Circuit be redirected to alternative initiatives, outright dismissing this project. Specifically, they proposed that 7 million be allocated to tackle climate change, with the remainder directed towards environmental enhancements on the Island. The factions not only dismissed the ATAN suggestion, which signifies renewed political backing for the Southern racing track, but also two other proposals advocating modifications to next year’s financial plan. Consequently, the budget was definitively ratified, amounting to a total of 1.3 billion.
The initial project for the Tenerife Motor Circuit was commissioned on October 30, 1990. Following numerous challenges, the Cabildo made a significant advancement for its development in August of last year: it awarded the initial phase to the companies Sacyr and Contratas y Servicios Bahillo. Sanctioned by the International Automobile Federation and with backing from Formula 1 driver Carlos Sainz, the Tenerife Motor Circuit will be equipped for the racing and training of Formula 1 and MotoGP, the premier classes in both sports. The circuit will be 4,050 meters long, with a width of 12 to 15 meters, and its direction will be counterclockwise, making it one of the few circuits globally with this trait.
Although PSOE had abstained during the previous phase of the 2025 budget when its 103 amendments were turned down, it lent its support yesterday according to Pedro Martín, its insular leader, “out of responsibility” and “to avoid obstructing its implementation.”
The Socialist Group is demanding the cessation of the sponsorship or subsidy that the Cabildo of Tenerife has granted to the Proyectea Rooms forum, which, according to the island councillor of this faction, Marian Franquet, “features the Sinpromi logo among the promoters of an initiative that seemingly relies solely on public funding.” Furthermore, the socialists pointed out that this is despite being promoted by Tenerife influencer Pedro Buerbaum, about whom Franquet recalled, “he advocates for the practical elimination of taxes and has announced his departure to the Dominican Republic.” Buerbaum presented his talk yesterday in Santa Cruz de Tenerife at this forum focused on business talent and technology. On November 23, 2023, another influencer, David Cánovas TheGrefg, sparked further controversy following a ascent to Teide, which, as per the insular PSOE, was conducted “in violation of the rules with special permission.”