The Tenerife branch of the PP is strongly driven by the desire for power and is determined to expand its presence in as many municipalities as possible on the Island. Following the success of the motion of no confidence this Friday in Puerto de la Cruz, a move that many considered implausible a few months ago due to the necessity for an agreement with a leftist force to the PSOE (ACP) after Marco González’s near absolute majority in 2023, the conservative faction in Tenerife is making efforts to gain control in municipalities where they currently share power with the socialists. As confirmed by sources from the PP and CC to Canarias Ahora, this includes Granadilla de Abona and Arico, towns in the South with differing economic importance but significant regional and symbolic value. Movements against the PSOE in Güímar and even in Icod de los Vinos (where Alternativa Icodense co-governs with the PSOE) are also being considered, although the latter is proving to be the most challenging at present, as suggested by sources from various political factions.
Intense political developments are unfolding in Arico and Granadilla. According to insider sources, similar to what occurred in Puerto de la Cruz, “work has been ongoing in a discreet, gradual, yet resolute manner, and progress has been made in recent weeks.” Primarily, the aim is for the PP to gain control of the Mayor’s Office in Arico, currently held by Olivia Delgado, a former socialist senator who, in 2023, fell just one councillor short of an absolute majority (having secured 6 councillors). Due to the inability at that time to reach an agreement between the PP (2 councillors), CC (3), and Arico Somos Todos (2), Delgado opted for open negotiations with the conservatives, leading to a pact that received the support of the island and regional leaderships, unlike the arrangement in Granadilla which lacked the backing of these key groups.
However, the situation has evolved, and there are increasing chances of an agreement that would remove Delgado from the Mayor’s Office, a scenario he previously faced in a motion of no confidence in November 2019 supported by CC, PP, and Primero Arico. Although these possibilities are growing, they are not yet finalised, but the likelihood is stronger than it was several months ago. It remains undisclosed whether the current first deputy mayor and spokesperson for the PP of Arico, Andrés Martín, will assume the new local leadership after parting ways with his current partner; his appointment seems the most probable.
The case of Granadilla presents more challenges, but sources indicate that a remote possibility, following the agreement between the PSOE of Jénnifer Miranda and the disciplined PP councillors Marcos Antonio Rodríguez and Bianca Cerbán, has been revived. This occurred in June 2023, when it was decided that they would co-govern with the socialists. In this instance, the PSOE emerged victorious in the elections with 11 councillors, followed by the CC of former mayor Domingo Regalado with 10 councillors, and the PP and VOX each securing two.
Regalado, when excluded due to what he perceives as “unnatural” alliances, has exerted significant pressure on his party and the PP to take over leadership since June of the previous year. Initial negotiations with the PP, particularly involving the island president and mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, are pushing for at least one of the two councillors to support a motion of no confidence, requiring the involvement of VOX to secure the necessary 13 signatures, even if they do not join the government. A similar scenario unfolded in Teguise until the far-right councillor in this municipality in the north of Lanzarote departed from Abascal’s party. Despite previous claims by Fernando Clavijo that no pact would be made with VOX, an agreement was reached in this municipality with specified government responsibilities.
This newspaper attempted, unsuccessfully, to obtain the mayor of Granadilla’s views on whether the two PP councillors will persist in challenging the conservative party and maintaining the current administration.
Surveys in Güímar and many more obstacles in Icod de los Vinos
The PP’s quest for expanded powers – seen in their attainment of the Mayor’s Office in El Puerto despite a clear defeat to the PSOE in 2023, facilitated by support from a supposedly left-leaning party – also extends to the Güímar Valley. Although the local leader and former mayor, Carmen Luisa Castro, expressed pessimism over the situation
According to sources consulted by this newspaper some weeks ago, negotiations are also in progress with CC for a pact. The party has been in a coalition with PSOE since 2019 (in 2023, they welcomed the Unidas Sí Podemos councillor, Nayra Caraballero). The current Mayor’s Office is held by the nationalist Gustavo Pérez, who previously shared the position with Airam Puerta (PSOE). The relationship between the two has been generally positive, and they are united in their opposition to Castro. There is a possibility that the former mayor may secure a position in higher administrations, or there could be an agreement for PP and CC to collaborate.
The 2023 elections resulted in a Güimar City Council with 9 councillors from PP, 5 each from PSOE and CC, one from NC-FAC, and one from USP. According to PP sources, Castro may also have the backing of NC-FAC.
The situation in Icod de los Vinos is more complicated. In 2023, Javier Sierra, a young politician who was formerly a Culture councillor with PSOE, managed to defeat the nationalist mayor Francis González with 8 councillors to 7. Sierra, who had previously become the opposition leader in 2019, formed his own party, Alternativa Icodense, after losing the local primaries by a single vote. With a list comprising many young members, he secured the position of mayor with the support of two PSOE councillors. Later, he formed a pact with Pedro Martín to enter the government in December. Though he did not achieve an absolute majority in the inauguration plenary session, the absence of an alternative agreement has allowed him to govern.
The potential alliance between CC (7 councillors) and PP (4 councillors) to reach 11 has always posed a threat. However, several factors make this agreement very challenging. The spokesperson for PP, Coromoto Yanes, previously affiliated with CC but departed from the party due to disagreements with Francis González, who resigned in 2023. Yanes believes that the people chose Sierra and that decision must be respected. Despite this, PP is making efforts to persuade her with offers such as a senatorial position in case of new general elections, should Emilio Navarro vacate his seat in the Upper House to focus on Santiago del Teide and the island presidency of the party.
The main hurdle to a vote of no confidence against Sierra, who remains calm amid the situation, is that José María Polegre, the former local spokesperson for Cs and a councillor elected by PP in 2023, moved to the mixed group towards the end of last year and does not support the ousting of Sierra. However, sources from PP suggest that this stance may change over time. It is noted that this municipality carries the lowest risk of an abrupt change in government compared to the surprising shift in power in Puerto de la Cruz involving PP, CC, and the former members of ACP referred to as “podemitas” and “communists”. A similar scenario unfolded in San Juan de la Rambla since June 2023, and between 2019 and 2023 with CC and Sí Se Puede in Buenavista.