Thousands of individuals, approximately 5,000 as per police records, savoured the XLVIII Romería de La Esperanza yesterday in El Rosario, a traditional event showcasing Canarian customs every first Sunday of August. This year, close to twenty carts and boats, accompanied by parrandas, folkloric groups, donkeys, and the renowned goats and sheep-firefighters of Hilario Barrios, Kiko, and Eulalio Domínguez, honoured the Virgin of La Esperanza. The Virgin adorned a striking mantle purchased through donations from La Esperanza’s residents, as reported by the City Council. The procession also passed through the refurbished El Calvario street, following recent renovation works completion. On the warm day with occasional breezes, a veterinarian ensured the welfare of the livestock during the procession, akin to a livestock assessment, according to the City Council’s information.
The official proceedings commenced around 11.30 am with the solemn Eucharist celebration at the Nuestra Señora de La Esperanza Parish. Subsequently, the revered image of Nuestra Señora de La Esperanza commenced its procession, departing the parish to the tunes of the Islas Canarias pasodoble, played by the Bentahod group, towards its central location in the Town Hall square. As customary, local authorities, led by El Rosario’s mayor, Escolástico Gil, along with the first deputy mayor, Fátima Gutiérrez, initiated the floral and food offering to the Virgin on behalf of the City Council. Following suit, each participating group presented their food baskets to the Virgin, to be redistributed through the parish to the underprivileged in the area while performing folías, malagueñas, or isas. Groups such as the dance of Guamasa, Amigos de La Esperanza, Cumbres Gomeras, Orígenes, Aires Laguneros, Virgen de Fátima, Aceviños, Sangre Marina, among others, proceeded at the feet of La Esperanza’s honorary mayor. The Vaso Obrero parranda from Gáldar, Gran Canaria, joined the traditional Amigos Isleños parranda. The procession was led by the cart of the head pilgrim, Andrea Rivero, accompanied by her court of honour. Subsequent carts included families like Fernando Estévez, Virginia Torres, and Jorge Sánchez, of the Los Verga family, as well as sponsoring companies’ carts like Cajasiete, Egatesa, and Montesano (now Frimancha post-integration). These companies notably distributed various meat trays among visitors along with wine, hard-boiled eggs, chorizo bread, meat skewers, popcorn, sangria, and even croquettes. Following the pilgrimage’s conclusion, a street celebration took place with live music from the Wamampy and Los Ideales orchestras. The sponsoring companies’ carts were stationed at each Town Hall square end until their offerings depleted. Today, a public holiday in El Rosario, the La Esperanza 2024 festivities will officially conclude with guided tours through the Adelantado forest, a play park, and the Children’s Festival. In addition to this official closure, the upcoming celebration is the Day of the Elderly, set to occur next Saturday.