Expect mostly clear skies in Canary Islands this Monday, with only occasional cloudy areas and a chance of light rain during the early hours of the morning or night, as forecasted by the State Meteorological Agency. The wind is expected to remain almost unchanged, with occasional strong gusts as in previous days, and the temperature will also remain stable.
In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the temperature will range between 19 degrees as the minimum and 23 as the maximum, while in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, it will range from 20 to 26, with a moderate northeast or north wind, depending on the island, accompanied by strong gusts at times in various areas of the archipelago, especially in high inland zones or areas facing the sea.
Northeast or north winds are also expected in the waters of the Canary Islands, with a force of 3 to 4 or 4 to 5 and a moderate to rough sea with areas of strong waves and a northwest or north swell of 1 to 2 meters.
The weather forecast for Monday, by island, is as follows:
[–>Partly cloudy or clear skies, except in the north, where it is expected to be cloudy, with a low probability of weak, scattered, and occasional precipitation in the early hours. Minimum temperatures with few changes or slightly rising in inland areas and the southern coast. Maximum temperatures with few changes or slightly decreasing. Moderate northeast winds, with strong intervals on southeast and northwest slopes. Sea breeze prevailing on the southwest coast.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 19 23
Cloudy skies in the north, clearing up by midday. In the rest, partly cloudy or clear with some cloudy intervals at night. Minimum temperatures with few changes or slightly rising along the coast. Maximum temperatures with few changes, with slight decreases in inland areas. Moderate north winds with strong intervals in interior zones and the far south.
Arrecife 19 25
Cloudy skies clearing up early in the day, except for the western coast where some cloud intervals are expected. Minimum temperatures slightly rising and maximum temperatures with few changes, with some slight decrease in inland areas. Moderate north wind, with occasional strong gusts south of Jandía.
Cloudy intervals in the north and southwest slopes. Elsewhere, partly cloudy or clear skies. Low chance of weak, scattered, and occasional rainfall in the northeast during the early hours. Temperatures with few changes, except for slight decreases in maximums in central peaks. Moderate northeast wind, with strong intervals in the latter part of the day on the east slope, far northwest, and high areas of Anaga. Sea breezes along the west coast. Light variable winds on the mountain peaks, mostly from the west.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 20 26
Cloudy intervals in the north with low chance of weak, scattered, and occasional precipitation during the early hours. Elsewhere, partly cloudy or clear. Temperatures with few changes, with some slight rise in minimums along the southern slope. Moderate northeast wind with occasional strong intervals in the eastern and western extremes during the afternoon. Sea breeze prevailing along the southern coast.
Partly cloudy in the early hours in the east and north, with a low chance of weak, scattered, and occasional rainfall, and clear elsewhere. Cloud intervals expected in general from early morning. Minimum temperatures slightly rising and maximums with few changes. Moderate northeast wind, with occasional strong intervals in the southeast slope, especially in the afternoon. Sea breezes along the west and southwest coasts.