Youth Admitted to Hospital in Critical Condition Following Motorcycle Crash in Tenerife

A 25-year-old individual has been admitted to hospital in critical condition after sustaining serious injuries in a motorcycle accident that took place early morning in Adeje, a town in the south of Tenerife, as confirmed by the Emergency and Security Coordinating Center (Cecoes) 1-1-2.

The incident occurred at approximately 3:50 a.m., when the National Police contacted the 1-1-2 emergency services to report a motorcyclist in need of medical assistance following a collision with a streetlight on Avenida de Los Pueblos. Cecoes promptly dispatched the required emergency response resources.

Both a basic life support ambulance and a medical ambulance from the Canary Islands Emergency Service (SUC) along with officers from the Local Police rushed to the scene.

At the location, SUC personnel provided initial assistance and stabilised the injured individual, who had sustained severe multiple traumas. He was then transported in the medical ambulance to the Ntra. Sra. de Candelaria University Hospital, where he was admitted in critical condition.