An ailing patient at the Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria, in Tenerife, tried to flee from the facility by hanging from a window several meters high overlooking an inner courtyard of the building. Once outside, he attempted to slide along the wall, but the escape operation failed due to the challenge of overcoming the height.
The man got trapped, clinging to a cable, and relying on protrusions of the wall. The situation was highly perilous for his life, prompting the healthcare staff to call the firefighters to facilitate the rescue.
Thus, the man, who was admitted to the Psychiatry Unit of the hospital, could be safeguarded thanks to the intervention of firefighters from the Tenerife Consortium stationed at the Tomé Cano park, assisted at all times by the healthcare workers.
The incident took place during Wednesday afternoon, and the patient emerged unharmed, despite resisting the rescue.
A team of firefighters rapidly moved to the healthcare complex, under the jurisdiction of the Health Department of the Government of the Canary Islands. One of the rescue unit members descended to try to save the patient who, upon noticing the presence of the firefighters, gathered strength and resumed the escape. The patient clung to a cable attached to the inner courtyard facade and advanced with the risk of the cable giving way.
The firefighter from the Firefighter Consortium had to exert himself to detain him, as the man put up significant resistance.