The Tourism and Institutional Relations area of the Cabildo de Tenerife will develop a new Insular Program for Tourism Strategy and Regeneration (PIER) for the 2024-2027 period, with a minimum budget of twelve million euros, which can be expanded according to needs. The project, to be carried out in collaboration with the involved municipalities, will improve the “obsolete” areas, especially along the coast and within the urban fabric of the municipalities, according to Afonso.
The aim is to enhance what often constitutes the first impression of the Island for its visitors. The PP leader accompanied the president, Rosa Dávila, in reporting on the main agreements reached by the Island’s Government Council yesterday. “The program – Afonso values – aims to distribute the budget in a way that ensures intervention in all the tourist municipalities of the Island.” Other premises are “to avoid duplication and overlap with the competences managed from other areas” and finally, “to achieve coordination with the investments planned by the municipalities and with funds and subsidies from other public administrations.” The goal of the new program is to revitalize “obsolete and degraded spaces over the four years of the current term,” initially with a minimum of twelve million, although the budget is expandable. For Afonso, it “will be an additional tool for financing works that are considered relevant and strategic.” Ashotel, the hotel employer’s association, as well as the municipalities, beneficiaries, and participants, are collaborating, as they will have to contribute their investments for these improvements in mobility, connections, or sanitation.
Hydraulic Works
Putting an end to recurrent spills of wastewater and continuing the path already started to achieve zero discharge in the Island is the reason that drives the Cabildo de Tenerife to promote hydraulic works. Yesterday, the Council approved the agreed payment of 6.8 million euros to Acuaes (Aguas de las Cuencas de España) under the agreement between both entities, amounting to 170 million and will be expanded shortly. It includes investment in the six major sanitation works in Tenerife and will allow the construction of sewage treatment plants, pumping stations, and collectors in the Valle de la Orotava within two years (2023-2025). Rosa Dávila and Lope Afonso affirmed that “we continue to work to achieve zero discharge, and today we have approved this amount.” The president indicated that “from the very beginning, we have attached great importance to actions for the treatment and purification of water, for which it is essential to be coordinated with the municipalities.” The president of the Island Corporation announced that the Government Council also approved the acquisition, by the Insular Water Council of Tenerife, of part of a new plot in the Güímar Industrial Estate for the expansion of the hydraulic complex of the Valley, “a strategic infrastructure for the entire valley, as it serves and benefits the municipalities of Candelaria, Arafo, and Güímar, as well as the Industrial Estate.”
Optic Fiber in Anaga
Another matter to highlight is the expansion of optic fiber on the TF-12, the backbone of Anaga, to provide this service to the Albergue Montes de Anaga and the Pico del Inglés viewpoint. The action involves an investment of around 173,000 euros (173,263 to be precise) and will be executed by the UTE Conacon-Sando Fibra Óptica. This measure will extend connectivity with these types of communications to enclaves such as the Anaga mountain hostel and the Pico del Inglés viewpoint. The maintenance and dynamization of the institutional website Tenerife Joven y Educa was also approved, where all the programs of the Youth and Education area of the Cabildo de Tenerife are available to those who request it, especially parents, at a cost of 66,000 euros, awarded to the company Zaguan. The intention is to have a positive impact on the lives of young people, students, teachers, and families of the Island through participation, training, social and educational values, as well as youth information.
In Sports, a total budget of approximately 2.4 million euros was approved for the improvement of various infrastructures in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Santiago del Teide. An investment of 1.5 million euros in the 2022-2026 period for improvements to the football fields of Los Gladiolos (400,000 this year and the same amount next year) and La Salud (400,000), Los Gladiolos Sports Centre (187,000) and Las Delicias Municipal Sports Complex (125,000), in the capital, while the investment in Santiago del Teide, of around 898,000 euros, will allow for the improvement of the football fields of Arguayo Damián Sánchez (400,000) and Tamaimo (182,000), and the La Hondura tennis courts (316,000). These are two leases to waive the payments of the amount that supports the agreement for the management of sports facilities. In Culture, the council agreed to redistribute the amounts for the cultural center in the old town of La Guancha, a municipal request, for the annual allocations that will provide it with economic investment until 2026. Finally, a budget modification will enable the Cabildo to contribute 36.6 million euros to the fifth addendum to the dependency agreement, in addition to the 87.7 from the Government of the Canary Islands, aimed at financing both its own and indirectly managed centers.
Agreement with Aemet
“Establishing the framework and procedures that allow the coordination of the technical and administrative actions of the Cabildo de Tenerife and the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).” This is the main clause of the agreement between both institutions, which yesterday received a new boost with the approval by the Island’s Government Council of the proposal to share and unify meteorological data. The president of the Corporation, Rosa Dávila, reported the arrival of the meteorological website or viewer, which, together with Aemet, will combine and expand this type of real-time information. The Island’s investment to develop this measure amounts to 118,758 euros. This agreement also includes the construction of a meteorological radar in Cruz de Gala, within the Teno Rural Park and in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte, at an altitude of 1,343 meters. The infrastructure will be able to determine the speed at which a storm is approaching and see what will happen within a radius of 240 kilometers; that is, it covers the entire province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It will be the second meteorological radar in the Canary Islands and will be installed in the currently under construction galvanized steel tower, 5 meters in diameter and 21 meters high. The agreement clearly defines the exercise of the respective competences and aims to achieve the highest quality in the provision of services.
Both the Cabildo and the Insular Water Council (CIATF), a dependent organization, will provide Aemet with the information regarding location, installed sensors, and data collection period of all other stations, if any, in use by any of its areas, services, or dependent bodies, with the purpose that Aemet analyze their possible meteorological usefulness. The commitment is to adapt them, if necessary, to a ten-minute data collection and automated exchange of the information determined, by mutual agreement and within the Monitoring Committee to be created, which must have meteorological utility. Aemet, for its part, will advise on the meteorological verification of the sensors of those stations selected for information exchange to ensure, for both bodies, the quality of the data. In said Monitoring Committee, the action protocols will be established, by mutual agreement, based on their respective abilities and work programs.