Runners off the authorized trailsparagliders, poledance dancersadvertising brands that roll without the corresponding permissions and influencers of more or less followers who record videos in protected areas to which access is completely prohibited. This is how any day can be in the National Park. Teide. Social networks are full of content in which you can see all kinds of videos or photographs that seek likes. although to do so they violate the rules established for a protected space such as the Teide National Park.
The latest to have broken the rules was a DJ known on social networks as @iamgluzman who has gone up to a protected area of the National Park with other people and deployed a computer and other elements to carry out a musical session while being recorded by a dronean activity that is totally prohibited in this environment.
This DJ has received hundreds of criticisms on his profile after posting the video sequence of a piece of music while showing what was recorded with the drone. Despite letting him know that what he has done is prohibited, most of the comments have even been made in English so that he understands and does not act crazy, the author of this publication responds: “Doing what? Where is the disrespect or harm to nature?”or “I’m open to listening to you and I really want to understand what harm you see here. But if you’re going to respond with questions it won’t work. Could you share a link to the rules?”
In this sense, a user has reproached him for his action and asks him if he tried to find out what is and is not allowed to do in the National Park, adding that “what he has done is detrimental to an environment with delicate flora, fauna and geomorphology “and insisting on the same comment: “Did you inform yourself before going up to Teide National Park or did you simply come to do what you wanted?
Comments like this there are hundreds of other users who reprimand the DJ for having broken the rules and the content that @iamgluzman had uploaded has been shared on different social networks citing organizations and institutions on the island and the Seprona of the Civil Guard so that They will sanction him if there is room.
Rules for visiting the Park
The collection of stones, plants, animals and any of their parts and remains.
The extraction or alteration of any archaeological object.
Drive vehicles off the roads and tracks open to the public.
The dumping of garbage or debris.
Paint the rocks or write names using them.
Make or cause fires.
Circulate in reserve areas and on trails for which authorization is required without being provided with it.
Free camping.
The establishment of any point of sale.
The installation of all types of posters or advertising advertisements.
The use of any weapon that is not for hunting, and when it is authorized.
The release of exotic animals in the Park grounds.
The introduction and release of chemical or biologically active substances into the environment.
Carrying out professional commercial cinematography and video activities without authorization from the Park Administration.
The use of radios or instruments at high volume.
Tips and recommendations for visiting the Park
If you want to visit, you should keep in mind that practically the entire Park is located at more than 2,000 meters above sea level, so it should be considered a high mountain area with extreme weather. Therefore, and to avoid unexpected problems during your visit, remember these details:
Wear appropriate clothing and footwear: hiking boots and warm clothing even if it is hot, as weather conditions can change quickly in the high mountains.
Protect yourself from heatstroke by wearing sunglasses and a cap or hat. Protective sun creams are also essential.
The ascent to Pico del Teide, due to the lack of oxygen, can be dangerous for people in delicate health or the elderly, especially those who suffer from a cardiopulmonary injury.
Within the National Park, and contrary to what it may seem, it is not difficult to get lost: do not take routes that you do not know or that are not indicated and avoid walking alone.
At some times of the year, different areas of the Park are covered with a blanket of ice and snow that can be dangerous.
During the spring, hives are installed in some areas designated for this purpose and which are marked. However, caution should be taken with bees, avoiding disturbing them by getting too close to the hives.
Contact Park staff when you intend to take any special or dangerous route.