The Cabildo of Tenerife encourages the good use of technology among schoolchildren through the ‘Naviga en positiv’ and ‘Internet without risk’ programs, two training programs for boys and girls, adolescents, young people, families and teachers that are being developed throughout the entire school year with students from Kindergarten to High School in a total of 174 classrooms in educational centers on the Island.
The Minister of Employment and Education, Efraín Medina, explained that the Cabildo has been working for years on the prevention of the risks that the use of the Internet entails. Specifically, through the ‘Internet without risk’ program, which is aimed at secondary, high school and vocational school students.
This program includes content on knowledge and strategies that improve your relationships, your searches, uses and times of connection and sexuality, affectivity, consumption, relationships and addictions without substance, self-esteem, body image, fatphobia, LGTBIFobia, critical analysis of the content and sexist violence, among others.
Efraín Medina pointed out that now “they are talking about pornography in minors and its control, which is one of the aspects on which we have been working in the Cabildo with schools.” “We must also combat fatphobia and LGTBIFobia, which, unfortunately, are issues that are on the rise,” he added.
The counselor indicated that through these programs we progressively work on the importance of a balance of online and offline life for the student body, emphasizing aspects such as the influence of networks on our decisions and ideas on different topics such as affectivity and sexuality. , self-esteem or artificial intelligence.
For its part, the ‘Navega en positiv’ program is aimed at preschool and primary schoolchildren and through it the positive use of IRT (Information and Communication Relationship Technology) is prevented and encouraged, since the use of the internet and screens go beyond learning to use technology. The objective is for schoolchildren to make positive and healthy use of the Internet.
In addition, content is included on the tools necessary to navigate respect, empathy, affection and intimacy, personal care, private data, self-esteem and school coexistence.
The main novelty for this school year are the specialized sessions aimed at families and teachers that focus on the current reality of the use of ICTs by adolescents and the educational strategies that must be activated.
Likewise, one of the most effective projects of the program is reinforced, which consists of turning young people into trainers of other young people and children in their municipality, and all municipalities on the Island are offered the possibility of organizing their own training course for families.