Last Friday, December 22, the Tenerife Children and Youth Park (PIT), received the visit of more than 400 users from the own and subsidized centers of the Institute of Social and Health Assistance (IASS) as part of the revitalization program that is being carried out. carried out from this company dependent on the Social Action area of the Cabildo of Tenerife.
The Tenerife Fairgrounds together with the insular Institution fulfill the commitment that the PIT serves as a fun space also for people with other abilities.
Remember that both the Minister of Social Action and the vice president of the Tenerife Fair Institution, Águeda Fumero and Manuel Fernández, respectively, received last Friday (December 22) more than 400 young people who were able to enjoy the 35 activities of the PIT.
The Minister of Social Action, Águeda Fumero, assured that “with this initiative we wanted to promote a space where attendees could enjoy a range of experiences, which favors inclusion.”
The PIT is one of the most important events in Tenerife at Christmas for the little ones. The Tenerife Fairgrounds hosts several attractions, activities and games aimed at all children and young people, as well as their families and those who, despite their age, maintain a young and vital spirit.
The Tenerife Children and Youth Park, which opens its doors until January 5, is organized over the entire surface of the Tenerife Fairgrounds, occupying two floors with more than 18,000 m² for the development of all activities.