Two injured in an accident between two cars at the Garachico sports dock

A 24-year-old woman and a 33-year-old man have been injured to varying degrees after having a traffic accident at the Garachico sports dock, in the north of Tenerife.

As reported by the Emergency and Security Coordinating Center (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Government of the Canary Islands, the woman presented, at the initial moment of assistance, moderate trauma to her upper limb, for which she was transferred to a basic life support ambulance to the Canary Islands University Hospital.

The man had moderate trauma to his lower limb, and was also transferred in a sanitized ambulance to the Canary Islands University Hospital.

The incident occurred around 8:40 p.m. on Monday, December 25, when a call was received reporting that a collision had occurred between two cars at the sports dock in the aforementioned town, resulting in several people wounds.

1-1-2 immediately activated the necessary emergency resources. The staff of the Canary Islands Emergency Service (SUC) assessed and assisted both injured people, while the Civil Guard instructed the corresponding procedures.

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