The Social Innovation Laboratory of the University of La Laguna and the International University Center for Peace, Mediation and Coexistence Studies (CIPAMECO) have launched the initiative ‘Participation and Governance in times of uncertainty’, which will take place on next Wednesday in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the academic institution, in the morning hours (from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.).
This event arises in collaboration with the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administrations, Justice and Security of the Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Transparency and Participation. Registration to attend the event will be available until Tuesday, December 11, before 2:00 p.m., at the following link:
This is a meeting that aims to provide a space for reflection and dialogue between experts, technical staff, university students and social agents and the third sector to understand the mechanisms of citizen participation as a key element for effective governance, as well as the processes decision-making and development of new democratic capacities in a world in constant transformation.
Likewise, it aims to analyze the main challenges that participatory democracy currently faces, such as inequality, polarization, misinformation, the ecological crisis and the health emergency.
After the inauguration by political leaders of the regional government and academic authorities, Juan Antonio Rodríguez Hernández, professor at the University of La Laguna, will offer a brief introduction that will contextualize the chosen topic and show the relevance and interest of the day.
This will be followed by the inaugural presentation ‘Democratic governance and the future of citizen participation’ by Héctor Pose Porto, professor at the University of A Coruña and doctor in Psychopedagogy. A round table will then be held in which the challenges for a new participatory governance model in the Canary Islands will be addressed.
In this space, moderated by Elisa J. Pérez Rosales, researcher at the host laboratory and professor at the University of La Laguna, Belén Gil Lluesma, special administration technician of the Administrative Service of Social Action, Inclusion, Volunteering and Citizen Participation; José Manuel Díaz González, professor at the University of La Laguna; Mikel Albandoz González, social educator and university expert in Governance and Citizen Participation and director of Social Programs at Mojo de Caña; and Arminda Álamo Bolaños, professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
With the aim of making the most of the reflections and ideas that emerged during this day, a collaborative work session will be held, facilitated by Mónica Dios Rodríguez, director and researcher of the Social Innovation Laboratory of the University of La Laguna, in which creativity and diversity will be the fundamental axes to create a space for exchange and cooperation.