The Civil Guard has arrested a man who resides in the north of Tenerife as alleged perpetrator of the attack with a crossbow on two dogsone of which, a pregnant female, has died as well as three of her puppies.
Sources from the security force have limited themselves to reporting this Sunday morning that the man was arrested this saturday afternoon and driven through the night to the dungeons from the Benemérita barracks in the Tenerife municipality of Icod de Los Vinos.
According to these sources consulted by EL DÍA, it is a German citizen who lives in Los Silos, Mischka JS, 35 years old. He is accused of a crime of mistreatment of domestic animals resulting in death and another against public order.
The events occurred this Friday in another municipality in the north of the Island, Los Silos. A woman found two dogs They had an arrow stuck in them. When she approached them, the male fledbut the female stayed in place, because the arrow had pierced her body.
He quickly set off to try to save the life of the animal, which was seriously injured. The female was transferred to the La Montaña clinic, in the municipality of Los Realejos. When the vets did the tests they realized that I was in a state of pregnancy. So They acted quickly to try to save the lives of the dog and her puppies. through a cesarean section.
The La Montaña de Los Realejos veterinary clinic treated the dog attacked with an arrow: it was able to save seven puppies
The arrow had entered through the rear of the animal and had affected several puppies. Finally, despite the enormous efforts made by the staff of the realejera clinic, the veterinarians were unable to save the lives of the dog and three of her puppies.
The other seven puppies in the litter have survived. and are under the care of the Every Life Counts Animal Welfare association, which is located in Icod of the Wines.
Meanwhile, the staff of this animal shelter take care of the seven puppies. It is supported by Animal Brigade, which has made a first donation to provide the products needed for the special care of newborns. The Every Life Counts Animal Welfare farm is currently in need of Royal Canin milk, baby pads and wipes.
The immediate mobilization of the protectors of Tenerife after learning of this new case of animal cruelty on the Island has been clue so that the seven puppies remain alive and the alleged perpetrator of this attack, who posed a threat, could be located.
Regarding the penalties for these cases of mistreatment of animals, the Council of Ministers approved in February of last year a modification of the Penal Code to extend penalties for animal abuse. Specifically, abuse that results in the death of the animal is increased from 18 months to two years in prison and attacks that involve veterinary care are increased from three months to 18 months in prison. With this change “we begin to end the immunity against abuse,” Minister Ione Belarra highlighted after the ministerial meeting.