The mayor of San Juan de la Rambla, Juan Ramos Reyes, assured yesterday that the water is suitable for public consumption. Statement that he supports in the definitive results of the specific analyzes carried out. The radioactivity parameters are within normal limits, emphasizes the councilor, who assures that “This is supported by the laboratory results, which have been posted in the National Consumer Water Information System (Sinac), in order to give it the greatest transparency.”
Last May 16 was when it was made public that excess radioactivity had been detected in the drinking water of a Ramblero reservoir. A piece of information “that referred to the last two analyzes carried out at the Aquilino-Las Rosas deposit.” He assured that, “despite being common historically due to the characteristics of the water and its collection being of underground origin,” they were marked in red due to a change in the regulations.
“The so-called radioactivity is a common element in all underground aquifers,” the mayor points out to explain that, despite this, the City Council commissioned the counteranalysis to a specialized company “to limit the galleries that supply us with water with greater and lesser radioactivity.” and to be able to counteract the values that reach the deposits. In his opinion, the results “make it clear that it was a fortuitous state and that the water supplied for consumption is suitable and safe.”
Ramos stressed the need to put neighborhood well-being and calm first “as opposed to creating unfounded social alarm, especially among those who hold public office.” Along these lines, he said that something similar happened during the previous mandate, when he was responsible for the Water and Sanitation area. «I trust that these events will stop being used as a weapon against the municipal government and “We act with the necessary prudence so as not to create alarm among our neighbors, with the prudent responsibility that must be kept in mind by those who have the honor of being a councilor, both in the government and in the opposition.”
The mayor indicated that the water analyzes are published on the Transparency portal of the municipal website.