Metropolis dedicated tonight, at 11:55 p.m. (in Canary Islands), on La2, a monographic program on the filmmaker and visual artist Miguel G. Morales (Tenerife1978)fascinated by the archeology of images since his childhood, collector and researcher in the polysemic meaning of the image.
After starting with fiction short films and after his stay in Cuba studying at the International Film School of San Antonio de los Baños, his work acquired a more documentary, investigative and essayistic nature. His eclectic production includes works related to the world of art and artistic processes, ethnographic projects, decontextualizations of archival material at the service of power and actions to recover Historical Memory and environmental activism.
In recent years he has begun to use his personal archive in photographic and film reflections on the human condition and loneliness, and has worked on Historical Memory in projects such as Monument to Darkness, carried out together with Eugenio Merino and dedicated to giving light to the Canarian victims of Franco’s repression and exhibited, throughout the summer, at the El Tanque Cultural Space in Tenerife.