The mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, José Manuel Bermúdez, has sent to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda the request to modify the execution period of the performances collected in the aid granted for the implementation of the Low Emissions Zone (ZBE), the Personal Mobility Network and the Auxiliary Facilities of the 100% Electric Buses, “since there are unforeseeable circumstances, duly justified, that make it impossible to meet the deadline, despite having adopted, on our part, the technical measures and minimum planning requirements that were required.”
In the letter sent to the Ministry, which is protected by article 21 of the regulatory bases, the mayor argues that in the three actions the necessary contracts have been carried out, but the planned times have been exceeded due to different circumstances that occur in their application. practice within the first established deadlines, which is why it is requested to extend it for one more year; That is, until December 2024, with the aim of completing the different actions, the participatory processes still underway or the planned park-and-ride installations.
“Although the 3 actions described -argues the mayor- cannot be completed within the expected period, the City Council, in its commitment to comply with the completion commitments established in the Concession Order, has advanced the execution period of the action. of the acquisition of the 11 100% electric buses” and remembers that “this contract was signed on November 28, 2022 with a term of 11 months, so delivery of the buses will begin in November 2023 by so the performance can be completed at the end of June 2024.”
“With respect to the Low Emissions Zone,” insists Bermúdez, “the necessary participatory process is being carried out and throughout the last quarter of 2023, the approval procedures for the ZBE project will begin” and he adds that “at the current moment, “The modifications to the prepared specifications are being analyzed to be able to advance in the publication of the tender without having the ordinance approved.”
And, finally, with respect to the Personal Mobility Network in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, “the project is being approved after having received the corresponding sector reports and work is being carried out in parallel on the bidding documents for the works, whose The expected execution period is 6 months, which is estimated to meet the requested deadline extension,” concludes the mayor.