The airports of Canary Islands They have registered 39,676,720 passengers so far this year, exceeding the data from January to October 2022 by 12.3% and breaking records, both for passengers and a similar period, as reported by Aena.
Of the total number of travelers, 39,329,646 correspond to commercial passengers, of which 22,736,822 traveled on international flights, 12.7% more than in 2022, and 16,592,824 traveled on domestic flights, 11.9% further.
Until October included, 360,024 aircraft movements were managed, 8.7% more than in 2022. In addition, 25,179 tons of merchandise were transported, which represents 2.4% less compared to last year.
The airports of Gran Canaria, Tenerife South, Tenerife North-City of La Laguna, César Manrique-Lanzarote, The iron and La Gomera record maximum figures of accumulated passenger traffic in these ten months.
In this way, the Gran Canaria Airport has registered 11,350,414 passengers, which represents 14.1% more than in the accumulated figure for 2022. They are followed by the Tenerife South Airport, which with 9,940,736 passengers accounts for an increase of 14.7%; César Manrique-Lanzarote, with 6,821,823 (+12.4%); Tenerife North-City of La Laguna, with 5,121,298 (+11.1%); Fuerteventurawith 4,972,806 (+7%); The Palmwith 1,120,884 (+4.1%), El Hierro, with 252,875 (+10.6%) and La Gomera, with 95,884 passengers, where the highest percentage growth was recorded with an increase of 21.4% compared to the same period of 2022.
October, a record month
The Canarian airports have registered a record number of passengers in the month of October, with 4,235,125, exceeding the data for the same month of 2022 by 6% and placing this month as the second with the most traffic in its history, only behind March this year with 4,328,188 travelers.
Of the total number of registered travelers, 4,208,515 correspond to commercial passengers. Of them, 2,453,829 traveled on international flights, 6.4% more than last year, and 1,754,686 traveled on domestic flights, 5.5% more.
In the month of October, 38,359 aircraft movements were managed, reflecting a 6% increase over the same period in 2022. In addition, 2,701 tons of merchandise were transported, 6.8% more than last year.
The Gran Canaria Airport registered the highest number of passengers with 1,223,397, which represents 7.7% more than in 2022. It is followed by the Tenerife South Airport, with 1,058,521 passengers and an increase of 9.7% about last year; César Manrique-Lanzarote, with 722,558 (+6.2%); Tenerife North-City of La Laguna, with 547,419 (+5.2%); Fuerteventura, with 531,276 (0%); La Palma, with 114,232 (-10.1%); El Hierro, with 26,609 (+5.2%) and La Gomera, with 11,113 passengers and the highest percentage growth, 29.4% more.