The mayor of El Rosario, Escolásico Gil, maintains that the question from the deputy of Canarian Coalition (DC), Cristina Validoon the water supply problems of the Penitentiary Center Tenerife II “It is in line with what we said in September.” The councilor defends that “The planning instrument that must undertake the expansion of the deposit and the channeling is the Plan for Amortization and Creation of Penitentiary Centers, whose review was extended until 2028 by the Council of Ministers on November 15, 2022.”
Gil is clear that the response of Penitentiary Institutions will be “in line with what Minister Teresa Rivera already said.” The mayor revealed that the General Secretariat of the organization that manages the Spanish prisons “recently contacted this Mayor’s Office to agree with the need to expand the tank and repair the interior pipes of Tenerife II”, so that the prison has water. in unforeseen situations.
Of course, Penitentiary Institutions completely ignore the channeling of water under municipal public roads (El Cascajal street and Porcuna, El Convento and Candelaria roads) and islands (general highway TF-24, TF-258 – Escaño and La Mina roads). and La Esperanza–Llano del Moro highway TF-272), which add up to seven kilometers until reaching Tenerife II, according to a statement issued yesterday. “We have achieved the expansion of the prison tank, but we are seven kilometers away from a solution that satisfies all parties,” says the mayor.
These pipelines require a public investment of more than two million euros, an amount that exceeds the investment capacity of the El Rosario City Council. «These seven kilometers are necessary to expand the flow to the prison and also resolve the supply to the residents of Llano El Moro definitively, doing justice to a municipality that suffers the depredation of its basic services by a penitentiary center that does not even pay. the IBI”, highlights Gil.
The Rosario mayor explains that for Penitentiary Institutions to assume the expense of those seven kilometers of pipeline, a change of ownership of the right of temporary occupation of the municipal and island roads affected by the layout of the water network is required, something that he assures is common and that “it has been done without major problems” in other prisons.
The solution proposed is a co-financing agreement between the City Council, the Insular Water Council, Government of the Canary Islands and Penitentiary Administration that includes this pipeline “in the same package as the expansion of the tank and the hydraulic maintenance repairs inside the prison, declaring these actions of public interest.” In July, the management of Tenerife II reported that the Penitentiary and State Security Infrastructure and Equipment Society plans to invest 15 million euros in the prison, so “only these hydraulic works need to be included” and that “the “Central government expand the item, if necessary.” Previously, the Council of Ministers must order the execution of the works and add to the Sepse Strategic Plan (under review) the drafting of projects and the execution of the works.