The reason may be in the dynamics of the music scene in Canary Islands, where groups reach a development limit that prevents them from growing. The result is that we have several musicians who have worked in previous bands who are now launching new projects. “An elegant way of calling ourselves puretas,” Fabián Yanes jokes with the journalist’s idea. He contributes guitars, synthesizers and programming to create Antiplancton along with the voice, guitar and programming of Carlos Castillo. They present the LP Other bodies. Fabián details the origin: «Antiplankton emerged a few years ago from the desire to recycle ourselves, listen to new music and shake off compositional habits. We wanted it to sound electronic but organic at the same time. The first thing our body asked us to do was limit ourselves to working with a few tools but making the most of them. “We left the software aside and focused on composing with a drum machine, tube guitar amps, and a single analog synth.”
Antiplankton is completed with an important leg. Once they focus on the initial work (“First we took guitar and voice melodies and removed harmonies, we changed ternary rhythms to binary ones and asked Guille to complement lyrics”), he refers to Guille Gómez, also responsible for the lyrics of Altraste, the most important project. known of those worked by Fabián.
With the songs assembled they do an intensive eight-day recording at the famous La Mina studios in Seville. There they recorded an album that completes the holy trinity of Spanish alternative pop with mastering by Manuel Cabezalí, from Havalina. The initial duo of Fabián and Carlos is completed with bass and drums for the recording, but after recording the album, just those two members change. «The project was initially developed by Carlos and I. We composed all the instruments, including drums and bass, and then we started searching for a band. Akior García (drums) and Nico Cabrera (bass) are friends and great musicians who accompanied us in the recording of the album but due to personal and professional circumstances they could not continue when it came to putting on the live show. For drums they add Pier Giorgio Blasi and on bass, Nolo Hernández, who was the vocalist of Altraste. There are already three Altrastes in the project. «We all have a story. From within we live it differently. We have been friends for many years but with the move to territories closer to our current tastes we feel it like a break with previous projects. Yes, it is true that the style of Guille’s lyrics or the melodies can evoke but they are one more layer within another scaffolding,” concludes Fabián.
Second or third generation album (seasoned artists who embark with strength and freshness on new ideas), Margarita Galván and Carlos Dalton form Rita Dalton. They debut with this long EP titled Fakir in territories of classic sounds and powerful lyrics. Carlos moves lightly in productions that in just five songs show multiple faces and futures. Carlos has that thing that makes everything natural and fresh. Margarita, whom we knew as a pianist especially alongside Carlos Catana, stands out as a vocalist who is striking without exhibitionism, but with personality and affection.
There was a loud murmur among those attending Lala Music: watch out for UKD. Who is UKD? many of us ask ourselves. Well, a young artist from Tenerife who is doing, I don’t know, a kind of perreo chill or soft reggaeton. Just that difficulty of pigeonholing him points to a different producer who draws simple bases full of winks to reel off lyrics that link him with current urban Latin. In Cosamía he starts from a salsa raft to which he adds layers of voices, reverb and sound plates. It is part of bb’s latest EP. By 2024 he promises a next release. You have to follow it closely.
‘Go diyei’
Malavillosa Philosophy
We begin a tour of the different parties and clubs of the Canary Islands
With the idea of giving prominence to the scene in the Canary Islands, in addition to producers, we will highlight in this column the different parties and clubs of the Islands. We start with Malavillosa Tenerife. They emerged during the Covid with those things about remote parties, and they became real this very 2023. “Malavillosa was born on the dance floor where four friends met (Rafaella Ribeiro, Delnü, Latuag and Pedrosa), each with their concerns and the same vision ; the need to generate alternative musical spaces. They carry out their festivities in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, with the next appointment at Clandestina (Méndez Núñez Avenue) on November 10, Friday, with Ninf.a (Gran Canaria) along with Sam AM, Monzi Sez (Bilbao), Andrea Álvarez, Liberty Core and Pedrosa.
What space is Malavillosa looking to fill? «There are the same patterns in many of the parties, they give few opportunities for new ideas or leaving the comfort zone, they generate a fairly uniform audience and they take less care of the artistic part. There is a generational change around music where diversity has great weight. “We want to create spaces where each person, both on the track and from the cabin, can expose themselves and feel themselves without any type of value or judgment.” One of the particularities of Malavillosa is the place for new values: “We were very seduced by the idea of having two rooms and giving visibility to young artists, a place where we make room for other proposals so that they have their opportunities without any type of obstacle” . What is clear is that Malavillosa responds to something that we already see with other proposals, that there is a young audience that demands another freshness: «There are several generations growing up without alternative clubs. “We believe that there is much more alternative public and that everything is much more sustainable than we think.”
We asked them the question of who they would bring if there were no budget limit, and their gaze again does not move away: «What draws our attention the most is what is emerging on the island and national panorama with proposals such as Blein, Nadsats, Vandala, Luishock , Chico Blanco, ttrraaccaa, Baldman, Neska… And well, if that were the case; Partiboi69, Amor Satyr, Overmono, Daria Kolosova are some of the international artists who fit our philosophy.