The Plenary Session of Tacoronte approved this Tuesday a extrajudicial recognition of credit, in the amount of 461,822 euros, and a modification of credits charged to the liquid remaining treasury, of 4,528,325 euros. In this case, with the objective of facing medium and long-term investments, the majority referring to land expropriations to widen roads and expand public spaces in locations in the city.
Includes 1,873,769 euros to condition the commercial environment of La Estación, including its garden spaces, furniture, signage and the pedestrian zone. Another 225,000 euros will be used in the sanitation work of the health center and others 120,000 euros in conservation work at the House of Culture.
The document also includes small actions, such as the improvement of the access ramps to La Arena beach, in Mesa del Mar; the acquisition of a scrubber and a new scoreboard for the Tacoronte sports pavilion; the modernization of the electrical system of the Civil Protection premises and the space occupied by the Taifa Senior Citizens Association; the repair, by emergency means, of the grass on the field of soccer from Barranco Las Lajas; and the provision of electronic whiteboards and furniture for the La Bombillita Feliz Children’s School.
The first of the files includes twelve supplier invoices pending recognition, totaling 35,066 euros. The amounts pending payment are invoiced by the Spanish Red Cross, Ferrovial Construction or El Pris SLU Náutica, among others. The extrajudicial recognition also includes ten notes of charge from the Insular Council of Waters of Tenerife (Ciatf) for the period April-December 2022, worth 426,756.57 euros. Its approval went ahead with the favorable votes of the government group (PSOE-CC-PP) and the support of the representative of Citizens. The other members of the Mixed Group did not support the proposal while Nueva Canary Islands he abstained.
The Councilor for Finance and Contracting, Eduardo Dávila, defended these agreements during the plenary session as necessary because We must comply without delay with the suppliers that have provided resources and services to this Administration, as well as activate whatever mechanisms are necessary to have the credits that allow us to advance in the achievement of all those projects that the city has been demanding.