The City Council of La Laguna, through the departments of Municipal Services and Works and Infrastructure, has recently put out to public tender the project to expand the San Luis cemetery, with which it intends to enable a total of 480 new niches in this funerary site. located in Los Baldíos, and the largest in the municipality. The procedure is already published on the Public Sector Contracting Platform.
The councilor responsible for the Municipal Services Area, Ángel Chinea, explained that the objective of these works, which have a total budget that amounts to 303,233 euros, is to expand the capacity of these facilities and, in future actions, improve the conditions of the facilities. themselves to facilitate access for relatives who wish to visit and watch their deceased. For his part, the councilor of Works and Infrastructure, Adolfo Cordobés, added that “this action meets the demand of a part of the La Laguna citizens who wish to resort to this type of ossuaries for their loved ones and the lack of capacity that they have in today this emblematic cemetery with so much tradition in the municipality of La Laguna.”
The tender for this file has been made available to all interested companies on the Municipal Corporation’s contracting platform, following the usual criteria for this type of procedures. The execution period established for this project is five months.
All bidding companies that are presented through this procedure must be registered in the Official Registry of Bidders and Classified Companies of the Public Sector. The deadline for submitting proposals for this file will be open until the 27th of this month.
On the other hand, regarding this same cemetery, the La Laguna City Council recently recalled the need to update the rental contracts of a total of 85 niches, which are in a situation of expired rent, once five years have passed since the burial.
“Once this time has elapsed, the relatives can choose different alternatives, including acquiring the niche as property, removing the remains to a niche, or taking them to a crematorium oven, which is an increasingly popular option,” he said. the councilor Ángel Chinea.