The Socialist Parliamentary Group has filed a complaint with the Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information for the failure of the Government of the Canary Islands to comply with its obligation to publish the agreements of the Government Council approved since the beginning of the legislature.
For the socialists, this is “censorship” in the public information of the current regional Executive, since no agreement of the Government Council has been published on the Transparency portal of the Government of the Canary Islands since last July 12, the date on which the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, took office, taking into account that since then six Government Councils have been held, as reflected on the news portal of the Government of the Canary Islands.
From the Socialist Group they emphasize that the Government of the Canary Islands has not published “a single one” of the agreements adopted in the Government Council since the beginning of the legislature, and they alert the Executive that “they cannot hide” in a lack of time if takes into account the “profuse information” that appears on its news portal, generated with its own means.
In this sense, they point out that the publications on the news portal of the Canary Islands Government website “cannot replace” the legal obligation contemplated in Article 17.3 of Law 12/2014, of December 26, on Transparency and Access to public information, since said news publications do not have a formal nature that can be verified a posteriori in possible administrative files.
In said complaint, the socialists ask the Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information to consider their complaint formulated for the failure of the Government of the Canary Islands to comply with the obligation to publish the agreements of the Government Council from June 6 to the date of present writing and, by its virtue, verify the aforementioned non-compliance and request the competent body to correct it.