The goatherds of the upper part of The rosary This Monday they showed themselves willing to let their cattle graze in the interface areas. This Monday the City Council hosted a meeting with livestock farmers in the goat and sheep sector, specifically from La Esperanza and Las Barreras, to convey to them the municipal proposal for livestock to feed in the aforementioned spaces and in ravines, as well as in those private farms where their owners give permission to do so. This is a “formula for the maintenance of rural areas located near the mountains and preventing the most serious consequences of a potential fire in inhabited areas,” the City Council stated in a press release.
The mayor of El Rosario, Escolásico Gil, accompanied by the first deputy mayor, Fátima Gutiérrez, and the councilor for Ecological Transition and Primary Sector, Fidel Vázquez, communicated the initiative to the owners of about 2,500 head of cattlebetween goats and sheep, who were willing to collaborate by taking their animals to graze in those environments that were determined to be most dangerous in the event of a possible forest fire.
Areas such as La Montañeta, Vista la Huerta, Peñafiel, Las Erillas, Juan Fernández or El Poleo were the first to be put on the table in a meeting in which the local councilor also explained that “we give the owners of the land of open their farms to grazing work or clean them by their own means, but it is clear that it is something they must do for safety, as we remember every April through a municipal side, and as the effects of the past fire.
In fact, last week the Rosario mayor signed a second municipal document in which he influenced the need to carry out the correct maintenance and cleaning of the plots located in the most dangerous areas.
It so happens that days ago, in the manifesto for comprehensive prevention of major fires forestry in Canary Islands of regional professionals in the branches of forestry engineering, agricultural engineering, veterinary science, agriculture and livestock, were warned, among other elements, of the aforementioned areas. «It is an agrarian problem, since much of the accumulation of fuel that unleashes these fires, especially in the urban-forest interface areas, the most dangerous for people and their property, is the result of the terrible constant loss of our agriculture and mid-range livestock. The policies of the last 40 years have not managed to stop the destruction of this activity, maintained today by key people for a more resilient future,” he explains. And he adds: «It is essential to reverse this situation, in which only the most committed and vocational people maintain this type of exploitation, at the expense of their own economies in most cases, for another situation in which we not only stop the destruction of exploitations, but that we recover a good part of those that have been abandoned, converted into the breeding ground for fires to come.