A well-known Spanish influencer promotes a dangerous bufadero in Tenerife on the networks

Some photographs of the renowned Spanish influencer Marina Rivers They have sparked controversy on social networks. The content creator has published some images posing in the bufadero of The Tancon, in Tenerife. Twitter and Instagram users have asked Rivers to delete posts in this puddle in which at least five people have died in recent years.

El Tancón is a bufadero, a cave generated by wave erosion with an opening in the roof, through which pressurized air and water enters and leaves. It is an attractive enclave located in Santiago del Teide, very popular despite the fact that bathing is prohibited there, as various information billboards scattered at the entrances remind us.

This prohibition has been violated by several bathers attracted by the crystal-clear waters and the wild beauty of this environment, very popular on social networks.

”People die there”, ”Look at going into a bufadero for a photo. I guess you’re not from the island, it’s the fault of whoever took you” or ”You’re giving visibility to irresponsibility” are some of the comments that the influencer has received.

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