Three unions announced yesterday the presentation of a complaint to the Labor and Social Security Inspection for the conditions suffered by security employees from the Tenerife South airport. The inspection is a state agency that depends on the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.
Specifically, these worker representatives, among whom are the majority in AENA, Comisiones Obreras, as well as Intersindical Canaria, assured that this measure is conditioned by what they consider the high temperatures in the passenger security control areathe so-called airport security “filter”.
According to union sources, in this area more than 29 degrees can be reacheda situation that security employees, as well as the rest of the staff, in addition to the passengers themselves, suffer daily.
The complainant unions assure, in the letter they have sent to the labor authorities, that this measure has been adopted after exhausting the avenue of presenting various letters to the responsible company without obtaining results and without it having adopted effective measures that contribute to improving the work environment in which employees operate. As they explained, these more than 29 degrees during the work day are what considered a “danger,” especially when The use of other “devices” is prohibited, among which are indicated by the Civil Guard, they emphasize in a statement.
As a first measure to alleviate this situation of continued intense heat during work days, and after several continuous heat waves, the union centers assure that, since the situation does not seem to have a solution in the short term, they have asked the Labor Inspection to urge Spanish Airports and Air Navigation to adopt the necessary measures so that this situation is corrected and temperatures are at more bearable levels during this time of year, when the thermometer rises dangerously.
Specifically, and according to the complaint, these They should be between 14 and 25 degrees Celsius in the case of jobs considered “light”, which do not require great effort or presence.
On the other hand, in the case of those who are sedentary, who require them to spend more hours in front of the workplace, they request that the temperatures be between 17 and 27 degrees Celsius maximum.